6. Support Services

It shall be the responsibility of each project director to coordinate the services provided through the project with other sources of care in the community, by:

  • participating in a system building community network to enhance services for pregnant women and infants that includes a wide range of stakeholders representing health, mental health, early learning, social services, family support, faith-based organizations, and families. Examples include All Our Kids Early Childhood Network or Local Interagency Council or Home Visiting-MIECHV Coalition, and Local Area Networks;
  • proactively engaging in community-focused outreach to identify, recruit and enroll potentially eligible pregnant women or families with infants within their assigned geographic area;
  • identifying more global strategies emphasizing a community-wide approach for all reproductive-age women in the targeted services area with an emphasis on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and habits before, during and after pregnancy; the importance of early prenatal care; and preconception/inter-conception health education; and
  • participating in Department-sponsored staff development and training activities, and consulting with other Department Providers