The Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health (DHS/DMH) Program Manual is a resource for funded providers to obtain more detail about procedures or requirements contained in the Attachment B to the Uniform Grant Agreement (UGA) and the DHS/DMH Provider Manual.
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DHS/DMH has the following detailed policies and procedures in certain program areas:
All community mental health providers with contracts to provide services defined in 59 Ill Admin 132 and 140 must be certified and enrolled as Medicaid providers for each of their DHS/DMH funded sites. The Division will act as a liaison between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (DHFS) and community mental health providers to assist providers who qualify to enroll as Medicaid providers.
DMH Grant Agreement deliverables are specified in DMH Attachment B and the Uniform Grant Agreement Exhibit B for each provider. DMH Attachment B may be obtained at the following internet address listed under (Mental Health):
As the Provider, in addition to State and Federal rules and regulations governing the programs you deliver you are responsible for complying with all of the State sources below, if applicable:
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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