March Report

The following 2020 Census Office report for March 2020 includes updates regarding marketing, community engagement, data visualization, the 2020 Census timeline, and grant allocation and disbursements.

Marketing: Kivvit, the marketing firm selected to assist IDHS in launching a statewide Census marketing campaign with advertising buys and digital media, and delivery of the Census message to all Illinois residents, with a focus on the Hard to Count (HTC) populations, has officially contracted with DHS and initiated work. As part of to their statewide plan, Kivvit will join IDHS in collaborating with the Census teams and marketing firms at the City of Chicago and Cook County to establish a media strategy that ensures complete coverage of the entire State of Illinois.

Community Engagement: The Census Office was invited to partner with Forefront and the Joyce Foundation in their February 12th Illinois Census 2020 "Get Out the Count" convening. All Illinois Census advocates, leaders, grantees, and complete count commissions were invited, along with National Speaker Dr. Jeanine Abrams McLean from Fair Count, a nonprofit organization that engages in national and statewide civic engagement efforts, particularly Census outreach efforts. Over 300 participants left with resources, connections, and collaboration opportunities for 2020 Census efforts to ensure a compete and accurate count for Illinois.

Data Visualization: In previous months, UIC created a website that maps the Regional Intermediaries (RIs) and their sub-recipients' offices and outreach areas to ensure comprehensive geographic coverage of HTC geographies and populations. RI Census activities are now visible to the public on

Phase Two Funding: The IDHS Census Office consulted with the Census Advisory Panel on recommendations to allocate the remaining $8M in Census funding. There is consensus to use the available funding to meet service gaps through the following strategies: (1) Increasing grants for current RIs to augment localized marketing, support current and additional sub-recipients, and reach additional HTC populations; and (2) Partnering with sister State agencies through Intergovernmental Agreements to leverage existing networks and reach HTC populations.

Census Activity Timeline: The chart below details upcoming census activities of both the 2020 Census Office and the U.S. Census Bureau:

Activity Date
USCB invitation to respond to 2020 Census Online March 12-20th 2020
USCB reminder letter to complete census March 16-24th 2020
Census Office determines needs and provides grants to address By March 31st 2020
USCB reminder postcard mailed March 26th - April 3rd 2020
USCB reminder letter and paper questionnaire mailed April 8th -16th 2020
USCB final reminder postcard mailed April 20th - 27th 2020
USCB follow up by in person enumerator May-July 2020
RI and subrecipient outreach and education efforts conclude July 2020
USCB delivers census count to President and Congress December 2020
USCB delivers redistricting counts to States March 2021

Grant Allocation and Disbursements:

Regional Intermediary Amount Amount Paid
Illinois Primary Health Care Association $500,000.00 $138,825.86
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $100,000.00 $33,566.14
Community Assistance Programs $1,000,000.00 $450,767.15
Habilitative Systems Inc $2,350,000.00 $589,952.18
Illinois Action for Children $1,000,000.00 $300,362.58
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $2,000,000.00 $524,464.15
Pilsen Little Village $135,000.00 $40,523.82
Puerto Rican Cultural Center $215,000.00 $68,065.75
Rincon Family Services $1,000,000.00 $298,069.62
University of Illinois at Chicago $200,000.00 None Requested
YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago $1,000,000.00 $274,313.55
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $200,000.00 $57,914.57
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $750,000.00 $198,260.11
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus $300,000.00 $71,829.85
Reaching Across Library Systems $750,000.00 $23,705.40
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago $200,000.00 $22,053.56
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $150,000.00 $46,193.94
Tri-County Regional Planning $500,000.00 $6,301.72
Champaign Urbana Public Health District $695,000.00 $191,146.65
Region 1 Planning Council $920,000.00 $290,544.86
Illinois Public Health Association $475,000.00 $127,043.07
Clay County Health Department $350,000.00 $129,195.50
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $50,000.00 $15,413.47
Illinois Public Health Association $700,000.00 $197,517.14
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $330,000.00 $91,811.76
Teens Against Killing Everywhere $330,000.00 $105,201.25
Illinois Action for Children $750,000.00 $208,664.81
Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies $750,000.00 $207,659.70
Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights $1,000,000.00 $255,061.57
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus $1,000,000.00 $235,622.34
Western Illinois Regional Council $300,000.00 $15,062.57
TOTAL $20,000,000.00 $5,215,114.64
Census Data, Research, GIS Visualization and Regional Intermediary Coordination Amount Amount Paid
University of Illinois at Chicago $896,837 $7,183.94
TOTAL $896,837 $7,183.94
Appropriation Amount Obligated Amount Amount Paid Unobligated Amount
$29,000,000 $20,896,837 $5,222,298.58 $8,103,163