Substance Use Prevention & Recovery - All Funds

BY21 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $3,817.1 $3,817.1 $128.4 $3,945.5
Retirement $1,513.2 $1,513.2 $45.0 $1,558.2
Social Security $315.7 $315.7 $22.4 $338.1
Group Insurance $672.0 $672.0 $70.0 $742.0
Subtotal $6,318.0 $6,318.0 $265.8 $6,583.8
Contractual $1,229.1 $1,229.1 $1,229.1
Travel $201.5 $201.5 $201.5
Commodities $53.8 $53.8 $53.8
Printing $35.0 $35.0 $35.0
Equipment $15.4 $15.4 $15.4
EDP $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Telecommunications $142.8 $142.8 $142.8
Op of Automotive $20.0 $20.0 $20.0
Alcohol Sub Abuse Prevent Treat $215.0 $215.0 $215.0
Subtotal $2,212.6 $2,212.6 $2,212.6
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $27,838.1 $27,838.1 ($11,683.2) $16,154.9
Addiction Treatment Services $43,175.4 $43,175.4 $2,763.5 $45,938.9
DCFS Clients $7,549.2 $7,549.2 $151.0 $7,700.2
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $5,949.7 $5,949.7 $100.0 $6,049.7
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services $1,102.1 $1,102.1 $1,102.1
Addiction Treatment Services (013) $60,000.0 $60,000.0 $60,000.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services (013) $16,000.0 $16,000.0 $16,000.0
Group Home Loans (025) $200.0 $200.0 $200.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services (128) $2,050.0 $2,050.0 $2,050.0
Compulsive Gamblers Treatment (129) $6,800.0 $6,800.0 $6,800.0
Addiction Treatment Services (276) $3,212.2 $3,212.2 $3,212.2
Addiction Treatment Services (368) $5,105.8 $5,105.8 $5,105.8
Cannabis (368) $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $2,000.0 $3,000.0
Cannabis (509) $10,000.0 $10,000.0 $15,000.0 $25,000.0
Partnership for Success (592) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Prevention RX Drug OD-Related Deaths (592) $2,000.0 $2,000.0 $2,000.0
Addiction Prevention Related Services (646) $2,500.0 $2,500.0 $2,500.0
State Opioid Response (646) $40,000.0 $40,000.0 $40,000.0
Addiction Treatment (646) $19,000.0 $19,000.0 $19,000.0
Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) (0733) $2,800.0 $2,800.0 $2,800.0
Addiction Treatment & Related Ser (910) $530.0 $530.0 $530.0
Subtotal $262,312.5 $262,312.5 $8,331.3 $270,643.8
Total Appropriation $270,843.1 $270,843.1 $8,597.1 $279,440.2
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment, including annualization of
FY20 COLA and Steps and funding for FY21 COLA and Steps
Retirement Annualization at 54.831% $45.0
Social Security Annualization at 7.65% $22.4
Group Insurance Annualization at $26.5 per employee $70.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Shift of SUPR Medicaid to MCO coverage ($12,000.0) and
2% full year COLA $316.8
Addiction Treatment services 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $2,763.5
DCFS Client 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $151.0
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop 2% full year COLA for minimum wage increase $100.0
Cannabis (368) Request appropriation authority for anticipated revenues from
legalization of cannabis for prevention services
Cannabis (509) Request appropriation authority for anticipated revenues from
legalization of cannabis for SUPR and MH treatment services