Policy Memo
- This policy memo clarifies the effective date that the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program sanction policy ended. SNAP E&T sanction policy ended for all SNAP recipients who were sanctioned for failing to comply with a work and training requirement for the effective month October 2019.
- A SNAP E&T sanction may be lifted if the first month in the sanction period is October 2019 for a single person SNAP household whose benefits were canceled effective 10/01/19 or a SNAP household with person determined to be an ineligible sanctioned member effective 10/01/19.
- If SNAP benefits were canceled, a new application must be filed. A request must be made by the SNAP household to add an ineligible sanctioned member back to the SNAP case.
Policy Memorandum, Ending Sanctions for the SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Program, dated 09/30/19 ended sanctions for SNAP recipients who were sanctioned for failing to comply with a work and training requirement for the effective month October 2019. As of 10/1/19, SNAP recipients, except those receiving TANF, may voluntarily participate in the SNAP E&T Program. A sanction is not imposed if the participant fails to comply with the activity requirements. A nonexempt customer in DuPage County or Cook County who volunteers to participate in SNAP E&T to meet the Work Requirement is subject to a countable (unmet) month, if they stop participation and are not meeting the Work Requirement through another option.
Sanction Period Begins October 2019
A SNAP E&T sanction may be lifted if the first month in the sanction period is October 2019 and:
- a single person SNAP household whose benefits were canceled effective 10/01/19 files a new application, or
- a SNAP household with a person determined to be an ineligible sanctioned member effective 10/01/19 requests that the ineligible member be added back to the SNAP case.
Sanction Period Begins September 2019 or Earlier
Individuals who are currently in sanctioned status for noncompliance with a SNAP E&T activity requirement effective 09/01/19 or earlier must serve out the remainder of their sanction period. When the sanction ends:
- a customer who is subject to the SNAP Work Requirement in DuPage County and Cook County must still meet the Work Requirement to qualify for SNAP.
- all other customers residing in an E&T county must contact the FCRC and request to be added back to the SNAP household for benefits or must file a new application, if their case is canceled (PM 21-06-10-a).
Work Provision Sanctions
Sanction policy still applies to SNAP customers (work registrants) who are required to comply with the Work Provision requirements in PM 03-15-01, formerly known as work registration. Failure to comply with one of the Work Provision requirements without good cause results in a sanction.
TANF/SNAP Sanctions
A TANF/SNAP customer is still sanctioned for SNAP, if the individual fails to comply with a TANF work and training requirement, unless they are responsible for the care of a child under age 6. See (PM 03-13-04-c and PM 03-15-00).
signed copy on file]
Grace B. Hou
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Forms referenced: