May 20, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.
*Due to COVID 19, in-person meetings are suspended until further notice. 


May 20, 2020, 10:30am


  • Call in information: 
    • Please email Samantha Edwards at  if you would like to participate in this meeting.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call, Welcome and Introductions
  3. Detention Briefings
  4. Membership Updates
  5. Commission Administrative Plans
  6. Committee Membership and Recruitment
  7. Adjourn


  1. Call to order
    Meeting was called to order at 10:40am. 
  2. Roll Call, Welcome and Introductions
    Members: Rick Velasquez, Lisa Jacobs, Shawn Freeman, Julie Biehl. Staff/Guests: Andrea Hall, Katy Culleeny, Chelsea Biggs, Leslie Ress, Samantha Edwards.
  3. Detention Briefings
    Commissioners discussed the importance of detention data, and brainstormed ways in which this data can be more effectively utilized to promote direct conversations and direct learning. It was decided that three sets of briefings tailored to three specific audiences on a regular basis would yield the best results. Ms. Jacobs shared insights from her conversations with Peg Robertson and Dan Hunt from the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC); mainly that the first level of conversation should happen with AOIC field coordinators, exclusively, to give them a chance to learn about specific issues in their assigned counties in a safe environment where they can ask questions and develop a greater skill set and capacity for technical assistance. Having been a former field coordinator, Ms. Robertson will serve as a guide during these briefings.
    Commissioners agreed that the second briefing would be directed primarily to system partners such as detention superintendents and probation departments for data feedback and a deeper understanding of what is happening at local sites. Commissioners agreed that the third level of conversation be geared to advocates and more widely, the general public, which Ms. Hall and ICOY will help to promote. It was decided that further conversations will be held between Mr. Freeman, Ms. Robertson, Ms. Hall, and Ms. Jacobs to create a timeline for these briefings.
  4. Membership Updates
    Youth Appointments
    Ms. Hall shared she has a list of applications from DHS and Secretary Hou. The Commission discussed membership further, including those who have expressed interest in participating and those who are no longer eligible or available to participate. Ms. Hall stated that she will send the updated roster to the Lieutenant Governor's Office with an emphasis on reappointments within the next couple of days.
    Ms. Biehl shared that a virtual 16-week internship program, The Final Five Campaign, which , will work to close the final five prisons in Illinois, through creation of a social media campaign and website. that the commission agreed that the limitations surrounding financial compensation is a huge barrier for youth participation. The Committee members agreed to check with The Center for Coordinated Assistance to States (CCAS) about utilizing federal funds for youth stipends. Ms. Biggs shared that there is money in the ICOY budget for state-wide youth engagement efforts to subcontract with an organization like MIKVA Challenge.
  5. Commission Administrative Plans
    Ms. Hall shared that she is working with ICOY to figure out the best video conferencing solution, and she believes ICOY's new Zoom license will be very useful. Committee members agreed that WebEx would be useful for smaller Commission meetings so that the platform is uniform across the state. Mr. Velasquez stated the importance of thinking about these specific platforms and remote platforms with a long-term lens for after Covid-19 settles, and Commissioners discussed the customizability and security benefits of using Sharepoint. Ms. Hall said the State uses Sharepoint, so it makes sense for the Commission to use the same platform. ICOY agreed to assist and offer guidance in setting up a structure.
  6. Committee Membership and Recruitment
    The committee members discussed a crosswalk system analysis. A cross walk system analysis can be used to identify the specific areas the Commission should be working on through analysis of the Juvenile Justice system and peripheral systems that feed into JJ as a whole, and that if this goal is well articulated, more members might be interested in getting involved. Ms. Hall said she will reach out to CCAS to get more cross walk information sent over for Mr. Velasquez and Ms. Jacobs to review. Ms. Jacobs stated that when thinking about the Commission's three-year plan, the trajectory of Juvenile Justice to adult Criminal Justice should be considered, and better JJ strategies can be developed within the creation of more subcommittees. Commissioners agreed this was a good idea. Closing out the Commission's discussion of committee membership, Marshan Allen, Angela Rudolph, and Ja'Vaune Jackson expressed interest in joining. the Racial and Ethnic Disparities (R.E.D) committee and Ms. Hall is still looking for a Chair head.
  7. Adjourn.
    Meeting was called to close at 11:40am.