Meeting Date/time
Thursday October 3, 2019, 1:30 PM
Via teleconference
1-888-494-4032; 655-354-1942#
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Ronald Melka at 1:05 pm.
In attendance:
Co Chairs Ron Melka and Fred Freedman; Committee member Ray Connor; DMH staff Lee Ann Reinert and Irwin Kerzner; and guest Andrea Cooke.
Cara Emrich and Nanette Larson.
II. Approval of Agenda:
Ray moved, and Fred seconded that the agenda was approved as presented. Motion carried.
III. Approval of Minutes of the June 27, 2019, Meeting:
Motion by Fred, second by Ray to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
IV. Resignation of Julius Mercer, Noy Frial-Lopez, PsyD:
Ron reported that he received written notice of the Resignation of Julius Mercer, and of Noy Frial-Lopez, PsyD. No further action is required, per our bylaws.
V. Applications for new membership:
Ron reported that there have been some requests for new membership that Irwin has sent out. Any full applications that we receive will be presented at the fall meeting as part of a slate along with renewing terms of those current members whose terms have expired.
VI. Election of Officers and Expiring Term Members:
Ron continued the discussion. At the same time we introduce any new members at the fall meeting, per our bylaws, we need to confirm whether members with expiring terms are willing to continue on IMHPAC, and vote on them as part of the annual slate at that time. We have 5 members whose term are expiring at the end of this December. They are: Cindy Daxenbichler, Dennis Hopkins, Robyn McGinnis, Ron Melka, and John Shustitzky. Ron will contact them as to their intent to continue as members.
We also have to elect any new officers at that time. The only officer vacancy is for the consumer Co-Chair of IMHPAC, as Matt Perry has resigned due to his attending college. Nominations for that position will be taken from the floor.
Special note, our bylaws also indicate that members of the Development Committee are also elected by the full membership. Committee Members nominated for the next year would be Co-Chairs Ron Melka and Fred Friedman, Ray Connor, Nanette Larson, and Andrea Cooke.
VII. Bylaws Changes:
At the last two full meetings, all members were asked to review the bylaws and make recommendations as to any updates that should be made. These were reviewed at our committee meeting and almost all were minor technical changes due to grammar or typos. They will be sent out to all members with changes highlighted within the next few days with changes highlighted so that the required 30-day notice is met, and a vote can be held at our November 7th meeting
VIII. Public Comment:
IX. Adjournment:
a motion for adjournment was made by Fred, seconded by Ray. The motion carried unanimously at 2:06 pm.
Recommendations for Election of members for the 2020-2023 term:
The following members are being recommended for members of the Illinois Mental Health and Advisory Council for the January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023 term.
Returning members Cindy Daxenbichler, Dennis Hopkins, and Ron Melka: and new member Debra Sheppard (Resume Attached).
(Robyn McGinnis, and John Shustitzky have declined the request to renew their terms.)
Election of Officers:
The only officer vacancy is for the consumer Co-Chair of IMHPAC, as Matt Perry has resigned due to his attending college. Nominations for that position will be taken from the floor.
Election of the Development Committee:
Our bylaws also indicate that members of the Development Committee are also elected by the full membership. Committee Members nominated for the next year would be Co-Chairs Ron Melka and Fred Friedman, Ray Connor, Nanette Larson, and Andrea Cooke.