Questions and Answers on Subrecipients

  1. How should organizations apply to become subrecipients?

    Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) encourages organizations, who have not already done so, to complete the Survey of Potential Subrecipients (found at  to indicate the organization's interest to serve as a subrecipient. The current list of potential subrecipients can be found at

    Organizations can also directly contact Regional Intermediaries (RIs) to express their interest in serving as a subrecipient. All RIs and their contact information can be found at: IDHS is encouraging all RIs to contact those organizations who completed the online survey to serve as either a potential subrecipient or as a potential RI ( as the selected RIs are mapping their regional efforts.

    Please note: Every organization that receives state funding (whether the RI or subrecipient) must be GATA compliant. Please review the Pre-application Eligibility Requirements website for step-by-step guidance on how to become pre-qualified:

  2. What are DHS's expectations of subrecipients, including but not limited to reporting requirements and workload plans?

    The 2020 Census Grant Program will support statewide coordinated outreach efforts through RIs to reach Illinois residents who are at risk of being undercounted. This program seeks to ensure that identified geographic areas and demographic populations who are least likely to respond, will participate in the 2020 Census.

    The RI will design and implement a region-wide outreach program which utilizes subrecipients and builds upon existing census efforts. RIs will implement a plan which includes the following components:

    1. Collaboration and Coordination of Subrecipients
    2. Education, Outreach, and Communication
    3. Direct Engagement
    4. Questionnaire Assistance and Participation
    5. Data Collection and Reporting

      RIs are responsible for establishing and managing clear administrative, fiscal, and program reporting requirements for subrecipients in partnership with IDHS. These will include reporting on a monthly basis. Monthly reports are expected to include at least an accounting of all program spending, progress toward outreach benchmarks, staffing and management plans.

  3. What are the distinctions between subrecipients and subcontractors? How is DHS going to educate the public on those differences and encourage them to consider all opportunities?

    Subrecipients may provide, if appropriate or needed, subawards to other entities (sub-subrecipients) as well as have subcontractors or consultants. Generally, a subrecipient is outward-facing, working with targeted hard-to-count populations, while a subcontractor provides inward-facing goods or services available to many different purchasers for the RI, subrecipient, or sub-subrecipient.

    DHS will work with RIs to share information and encourage the best program models that reach the hardest to count populations.

    To aid in determining whether a subaward or contract or is the correct method, grantees may use the Checklist for Contractor/Subrecipient Determinations, which was developed by the Association of Government Accountants (and is available here and the Census Office must approve all subrecipients.

    Flow of administrative, fiscal, and program accountability:
    Census Flow: Census office, arrow, RI,rrow,Subrecipient,arrow,sub-subrecipient

  4. How will regional intermediaries, particularly those in the same region, coordinate with each other in selecting subrecipients and creating campaigns?

    IDHS will work with all RIs to develop and execute their workplans, including a coordinated communications/branding campaign.  Potential subrecipients are encouraged to complete the online survey, which will be used to inform the scope of work and create workplans with RIs.

  5. Will subrecipients be allowed to receive grants from more than one Regional Intermediary in the same region?


  6. How will regional intermediaries identify and connect with prospective subrecipients? Will DHS connect prospective subrecipients to regional intermediaries?

    See answers to #1 and #4, above. Potential subrecipient contact information is posted at All potential subrecipients are encouraged to complete the online survey.

  7. Will DHS adjust the Grant Panel meeting schedule to give panel members the opportunity to make meaningful recommendations and allow for public comment before important events? For example, the November 15th meeting will occur after the regional intermediary work plan implementation begins and contracts with subrecipients are executed.

    Meeting dates can be adjusted at the request of Census Advisory Panel members. The Advisory Panel has a monthly meeting schedule published at