Independent Living Activity Report 2018

Centers for Independent Living (CILs)

The term "center for independent living" means a consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provides an array of independent living services to individuals with disabilities. Illinois currently has 22 Centers for Independent Living providing services throughout 93 of Illinois' 102 counties. CIL staff must be comprised of at least 51% persons with disabilities and 51% of CIL Board of Directors are persons with significant disabilities.

A CIL provides, at a minimum, the following core services:

  • Information & referral
  • Independent living skills training
  • Individual and systems advocacy
  • Peer counseling
  • Transition services, including:
    • assisting consumers in moving from nursing homes and other institutions to community-based residences;
    • assisting consumers to avoid institutional placement;
    • assisting the transition of youth with significant disabilities after completion of secondary education to postsecondary life.

The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living includes:

Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago (AL)Illinois map of CIL coverage

Achieving Independence and Mobility Center for Independent Living (AIM)

Advocates for Access (AFA)

Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living (IICIL)

Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living (IVCIL)

IMPACT Center for Independent Living (IMPACT)

Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living (JACIL)

Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL)


Living Independence for Everyone Center for Independent Living (LIFE)

Northwestern Illinois Center for Independent Living (NICIL)

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living (OFA)

Options Center for Independent Living (OPTIONS)

Persons Assuming Control of their Environment (PACE)

Progress Center for Independent Living (PCIL)

Regional Access and Mobilization Project (RAMP)

Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living (SICIL)

Soyland Access to Independent Living (SAIL)

Springfield Center for Independent Living (SCIL)

Stone-Hayes Center for Independent Living (SHCIL)

West Central Illinois Center for Independent Living (WCICIL)

Will/Grundy Center for Independent Living DBA: Disability Resource Center (WGCIL)

Independent Living Program Highlights - SFY2018

  • CILs served 94 of Illinois' 102 counties.
  • Services were provided to 75,806 individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or disability.
  • The Community Reintegration Program reintegrated 70 individuals from long-term-care facilities back into the community.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL boards of directors was 69%.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL management staff was 75%.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL program and support staff was 74%.

Overall Individual CIL Operational Funding - SFY2018

CIL GRF Federal Community Reintegration Personal Assistant Training Employment & Transition Services Older Blind Total
AL $288,899 $90,823 $150,000 $134,869 $254,805 $919,396
AIM $315,100 $99,059 $128,208 $64,276 $606,643
AFA $220,425 $69,138 $120,334 $64,332 $9,500 $483,729
IICIL $99,849 $31,390 $119,912 $45,000 $296,151
IVCIL $204,640 $53,177 $62,456 $37,251 $357,525
IMPACT $244,355 $42,484 $112,963 $56,778 $2,520 $196,914 $656,010
JACIL $120,362 $14,108 $32,911 $120,396 $287,777
LCCIL $132,803 $69,403 $95,967 $70,651 $336,807 $87,648 $793,278
LINC $176,734 $44,195 $134,950 $27,386 $6,370 $130,378 $520,011
LIFE $186,945 $64,275 $100,166 $47,255 $113,120 $511,761
NICIL $209,411 $58,882 $118,195 $61,606 $448,094
OFA $367,380 $30,355 $97,944 $75,610 $571,289
Options $121,630 $18,910 $86,080 $36,495 $60,533 $323,648
PACE $187,659 $38,488 $128,394 $46,339 $116,309 $517,189
PCIL $301,257 $94,707 $30,000 $97,894 $157,386 $681,244
RAMP $176,149 $55,377 $265,043 $98,122 $265,756 $860,447
SICIL $190,543 $89,902 $64,802.00 $91,474 $218,606 $655,327
SAIL $108,410 $33,656 $73,522.00 $43,876 $108,148 $367,613
SCIL $235,477 $39,532 $99,634 $34,031 $408,674
SHCIL $27,615 $33,643 $45,303 $106,561
WCICIL $120,501 $26,308 $92,766 $43,715 $283,289
WGCIL $90,553 $47,329 $126,933 $42,622 $307,437
Total $4,126,697 $1,145,135 $2,208,268 $1,297,795 $1,251,750 $933,447 $10,963,092

Age of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - SFY2018

CIL Under 5 5-19 20-24 25-59 60 & Over Unknown Total
AL 8 149 137 1072 348 10 1724
AIM 1 30 5 94 29 1 160
AFA 1 38 17 84 43 0 183
IICIL 0 6 1 154 139 0 300
IVCIL 1 31 7 52 13 0 104
IMPACT 3 5 9 93 220 7 337
JACIL 0 1 5 31 96 2 135
LCCIL 0 138 46 88 111 0 383
LINC 12 152 13 168 139 3 487
LIFE 0 4 8 67 160 1 240
NICIL 1 30 10 84 22 2 149
OFA 2 47 17 105 28 0 199
OPTIONS 0 5 12 202 237 0 456
PACE 0 33 17 185 360 0 595
PCIL 0 3 12 217 162 23 417
RAMP 17 344 72 264 115 0 812
SICIL 0 15 39 147 37 0 238
SAIL 0 12 3 123 177 0 315
SCIL 1 14 7 109 57 0 188
SHCIL 0 31 4 40 17 0 93
WCICIL 5 73 9 65 34 0 186
WGCIL 10 79 86 74 20 144 413
TOTAL 63 1240 536 3518 2564 193 8114
PERCENT 1% 15% 7% 43% 32% 2% 100%

Consumers Receiving I &R and Direct Services by Gender - SFY2018

AL 1876 1724 893 831
AIM 1967 160 79 81
AFA 10827 183 87 96
IICIL 25830 300 154 146
IVCIL 414 104 68 36
IMPACT 896 337 132 205
JACIL 1475 135 47 88
LCCIL 1261 383 179 204
LINC 2394 487 239 248
LIFE 1026 240 93 147
NICIL 996 149 90 59
OFA 1465 199 121 78
OPTIONS 380 456 169 287
PACE 1457 595 218 377
PCIL 2735 417 204 213
RAMP 12174 812 460 352
SICIL 764 238 138 100
SAIL 734 315 118 197
SCIL 1576 188 92 96
SHCIL 77 93 43 50
WCICIL 2439 186 104 82
WGCIL 44 413 224 189
TOTAL 75806 8114 3952 4162

Ethnicity of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - SFY2018

CIL American Indian Asian African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian White Other Total
AL 5 23 1067 205 3 323 98 1724
AIM 0 3 25 15 0 113 4 160
AFA 2 1 30 4 0 141 5 183
IICIL 3 1 59 13 0 224 0 300
IVCIL 0 0 1 1 0 101 1 104
IMPACT 3 3 41 7 0 282 1 337
JACIL 0 0 6 1 0 126 2 135
LCCIL 1 13 44 56 1 246 22 383
LINC 0 9 131 16 1 314 16 487
LIFE 0 1 25 3 0 209 2 240
NICIL 0 0 2 5 0 139 3 149
OFA 0 1 3 1 1 191 2 199
OPTIONS 0 1 54 9 0 386 6 456
PACE 4 7 102 6 1 469 6 595
PCIL 1 4 157 98 0 147 10 417
RAMP 0 7 172 66 1 533 33 812
SICIL 0 2 43 7 0 186 0 238
SAIL 0 0 50 0 0 264 1 315
SCIL 0 1 77 0 0 109 1 188
SHCIL 1 0 2 1 0 89 0 93
WCICIL 1 1 8 2 1 164 9 186
WGCIL 1 3 78 41 0 274 16 413
TOTAL 22 81 2177 557 9 5030 238 8114
PERCENT 0.27% 1.00% 26.83% 6.86% 0.11% 61.99% 2.93% 100.00%

Direct Services by Primary Disability - SFY2018

AL 323 371 847 11 26 0 146 1724
AIM 15 38 65 35 2 5 0 160
AFA 35 18 49 13 2 44 22 183
IICIL 13 22 82 60 45 78 0 300
IVCIL 18 8 37 1 5 29 6 104
IMPACT 12 9 49 30 206 31 0 337
JACIL 7 2 8 13 100 4 1 135
LCCIL 94 37 24 6 16 206 0 383
LINC 38 139 175 24 110 0 1 487
LIFE 28 5 35 1 158 9 4 240
NICIL 51 15 72 5 6 0 0 149
OFA 45 27 110 2 8 4 3 199
OPTIONS 37 42 140 18 157 58 4 456
PACE 72 11 128 123 239 11 11 595
PCIL 28 48 201 58 27 30 25 417
RAMP 360 171 243 18 10 0 10 812
SICIL 86 64 59 6 13 9 1 238
SAIL 17 24 128 28 112 6 0 315
SCIL 28 26 67 4 5 58 0 188
SHCIL 29 3 23 0 3 35 0 93
WCICIL 51 12 55 2 0 66 0 186
WGCIL 227 18 56 64 11 31 6 413
TOTAL 1614 1110 2653 522 1261 714 240 8114
PERCENT 20% 14% 33% 6% 16% 9% 3% 100%

County Coverage - SFY2018

AL 1 1723 1 1724 100% 0%
AIM 3 157 3 160 98% 2%
AFA 4 116 67 183 63% 37%
IICIL 3 249 51 300 83% 17%
IVCIL 5 86 18 104 83% 17%
IMPACT 6 237 100 337 70% 30%
JACIL 4 88 47 135 65% 35%
LCCIL 2 378 5 383 99% 1%
LINC 3 389 98 487 80% 20%
LIFE 4 191 49 240 80% 20%
NICIL 5 59 90 149 40% 60%
OFA 13 90 109 199 45% 55%
OPTIONS 2 287 169 456 63% 37%
PACE 5 469 126 595 79% 21%
PCIL 1 402 15 417 96% 4%
RAMP 4 801 11 812 99% 1%
SICIL 7 127 111 238 53% 47%
SAIL 8 195 120 315 62% 38%
SCIL 5 174 14 188 93% 7%
SHCIL 3 187 118 308 61% 39%
WCICIL 6 105 81 186 56% 44%
WGCIL 2 365 48 413 88% 12%
TOTAL 95 6875 1451 8326 83% 17%

Overall Consumer Involvement - SFY2018

CIL Board Members with Disabilities Total Board Members Percentage Total Management Staff with Disabilities Total Executive Staff Percentage Total Program and Support Staff with Disabilities Total Program and Support Staff Percentage
AL 14 23 61% 10 20 50% 32 46 70%
AIM 7 10 70% 3 3 100% 6 7 86%
AFA 7 10 70% 2 3 67% 3 5 60%
IICIL 10 10 100% 6 8 75% 6 8 75%
IVCIL 6 10 60% 2 3 67% 5 6 83%
IMPACT 6 11 55% 2 2 100% 5 7 71%
JACIL 8 10 80% 1 1 100% 12 12 100%
LCCIL 4 7 57% 3 3 100% 12 15 80%
LIFE 9 14 64% 3 3 100% 4 5 80%
LINC 7 10 70% 2 3 67% 8 12 67%
NICIL 5 6 83% 3 3 100% 2 3 67%
OFA 4 4 100% 2 3 67% 5 8 63%
OPTIONS 5 8 63% 2 2 100% 4 7 57%
PACE 8 8 100% 3 3 100% 12 12 100%
PCIL 6 11 55% 5 5 100% 9 11 82%
RAMP 7 12 58% 6 9 67% 15 26 58%
SAIL 3 5 60% 1 1 100% 7 9 78%
SCIL 8 10 80% 2 2 100% 9 10 90%
SICIL 5 5 100% 2 4 50% 12 17 71%
SHCIL 5 7 71% 2 2 100% 4 4 100%
WCICIL 7 9 78% 2 3 67% 5 6 83%
WGCIL 7 11 64% 1 1 100% 4 7 57%
AVERAGE 7 10 69% 3 4 75% 8 11 74%