Independent Living Activity Report 2019

Centers for Independent Living (CILs)

The term "center for independent living" means a consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities and provides an array of independent living services to individuals with disabilities. Illinois currently has 22 Centers for Independent Living providing services throughout 93 of Illinois' 102 counties. CIL staff must be comprised of at least 51% persons with disabilities and 51% of CIL Board of Directors are persons with significant disabilities.

A CIL provides, at a minimum, the following core services:

  • Information & referral
  • Independent living skills training
  • Individual and systems advocacy
  • Peer counseling
  • Transition services, including:
    • assisting consumers in moving from nursing homes and other institutions to community-based residences;
    • assisting consumers to avoid institutional placement;
    • assisting the transition of youth with significant disabilities after completion of secondary education to postsecondary life.

The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living includes:

Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago (AL)Illinois map showing CIL coverage by county.

Achieving Independence and Mobility Center for Independent Living (AIM)

Advocates for Access (AFA)

Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living (IICIL)

Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living (IVCIL)

IMPACT Center for Independent Living (IMPACT)

Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living (JACIL)

Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL)


Living Independence for Everyone Center for Independent Living (LIFE)

Northwestern Illinois Center for Independent Living (NICIL)

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living (OFA)

Options Center for Independent Living (OPTIONS)

Persons Assuming Control of their Environment (PACE)

Progress Center for Independent Living (PCIL)

Regional Access and Mobilization Project (RAMP)

Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living (SICIL)

Soyland Access to Independent Living (SAIL)

Springfield Center for Independent Living (SCIL)

Stone-Hayes Center for Independent Living (SHCIL)

West Central Illinois Center for Independent Living (WCICIL)

Will/Grundy Center for Independent Living DBA: Disability Resource Center (WGCIL)

Independent Living Program Highlights - SFY2019

  • CILs served 93 of Illinois' 102 counties.
  • Services were provided to 38,817 individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or disability.
  • The Community Reintegration Program reintegrated 113 individuals back into the community.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL boards of directors was 70%.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL management staff was 76%.
  • The percentage of individuals with disabilities on CIL program and support staff was 72%

Overall Individual CIL Operational Funding - SFY2019

CIL GRF Federal Community Reintegration HSP/PA Training Employment & Transition Services Older Blind Total
AL $288,899.00 $90,823.00 $336,000.00 $42,400.00 $307,972.00 $1,066,094.00
AIM $315,100.00 $99,059.00 $167,572.00 $53,000.00 $50,000.00 $684,731.00
AFA $220,425.00 $69,296.00 $195,000.00 $24,800.00 $42,500.00 $552,021.00
IICIL $99,849.00 $31,390.00 $133,000.00 $16,500.00 $50,000.00 $330,739.00
IVCIL $204,640.00 $64,334.00 $76,000.00 $10,200.00 $355,174.00
IMPACT $244,355.00 $76,819.00 $133,000.00 $19,300.00 $60,480.00 $200,000.00 $733,954.00
JACIL $120,362.00 $37,839.00 $11,300.00 $50,000.00 $123,800.00 $343,301.00
LCCIL $132,803.00 $71,750.00 $136,000.00 $20,900.00 $310,500.00 $87,890.00 $759,843.00
LINC $176,734.00 $55,561.00 $162,000.00 $94,850.00 $140,310.00 $629,455.00
LIFE $186,945.00 $88,771.00 $114,000.00 $16,000.00 $50,000.00 $120,773.00 $576,489.00
NICIL $209,411.00 $65,834.00 $76,000.00 $17,700.00 $50,000.00 $418,945.00
OFA $367,380.00 $115,495.00 $114,000.00 $26,600.00 $25,000.00 $648,475.00
Options $121,630.00 $38,237.00 $100,000.00 $12,500.00 $50,000.00 $67,932.00 $390,299.00
PACE $187,659.00 $58,995.00 $172,619.54 $14,500.00 $50,000.00 $108,507.77 $592,281.31
PCIL $301,257.00 $94,707.00 $144,000.00 $102,100.00 $95,000.00 $737,064.00
RAMP $176,149.00 $55,377.00 $306,000.00 $32,800.00 $433,676.00 $1,004,002.00
SICIL $190,543.00 $89,902.00 $76,000.00 $31,700.00 $355,618.00 $743,763.00
SAIL $108,410.00 $34,081.00 $95,000.00 $14,200.00 $109,549.00 $361,240.00
SCIL $235,477.00 $74,028.00 $114,000.00 $11,800.00 $45,500.00 $480,805.00
SHCIL $27,615.00 $38,682.00 $16,900.00 $50,000.00 $133,197.00
WCICIL $120,501.00 $37,883.00 $114,000.00 $13,700.00 $50,000.00 $336,084.00
WGCIL $90,553.00 $58,468.00 $114,656.00 $12,100.00 $51,500.00 $327,277.00
Total $4,126,697.00 $1,447,331.00 $2,878,847.54 $521,000.00 $2,272,596.00 $958,761.77 $12,205,233.31

Age of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - SFY2019

CIL Under 5 5-19 20-24 25-59 60 & Over Unknown Total
AL 13 395 277 1806 536 33 3060
AIM 2 84 11 73 33 0 203
AFA 0 35 19 80 43 0 177
IICIL 0 39 3 175 153 0 370
IVCIL 1 27 10 56 13 0 107
IMPACT 1 12 4 64 178 4 263
JACIL 0 0 17 62 152 8 239
LCCIL 0 193 27 79 116 0 415
LINC 24 121 14 143 156 1 459
LIFE 0 1 10 66 170 0 247
NICIL 0 29 8 62 16 0 115
OFA 9 67 28 155 42 0 301
OPTIONS 0 10 11 181 182 0 384
PACE 0 52 29 213 456 0 750
PCIL 0 5 10 202 148 32 397
RAMP 7 276 67 340 107 0 797
SICIL 0 63 27 131 43 0 264
SAIL 2 8 2 87 155 25 279
SCIL 1 10 13 94 64 0 182
SHCIL 1 38 5 48 22 0 114
WCICIL 2 74 5 47 27 0 155
WGCIL 13 162 59 63 19 102 418
TOTAL 76 1701 656 4227 2831 205 9696
PERCENT 1% 18% 7% 44% 29% 2% 100%

Gender of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - SFY2019

AL 1571 1489 3060
AIM 96 107 203
AFA 87 90 177
IICIL 169 201 370
IVCIL 45 62 107
IMPACT 108 155 263
JACIL 83 156 239
LCCIL 189 226 415
LINC 222 237 459
LIFE 81 166 247
NICIL 70 45 115
OFA 160 141 301
OPTIONS 154 230 384
PACE 260 490 750
PCIL 199 198 397
RAMP 426 371 797
SICIL 156 108 264
SAIL 113 166 279
SCIL 84 98 182
SHCIL 53 61 114
WCICIL 88 67 155
WGCIL 244 174 418
TOTAL 4658 5038 9696
PERCENT 48% 52% 100%

Ethnicity of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - SFY2019

CIL Native American Asian African American Native Hawaiian White Hispanic Two or More Races Unknown Total
AL 9 34 1975 4 503 389 56 90 3060
AIM 1 4 31 3 94 64 6 0 203
AFA 2 2 25 0 140 1 7 0 177
IICIL 6 1 65 0 280 18 0 0 370
IVCIL 0 0 3 0 94 10 0 0 107
IMPACT 1 0 40 0 217 5 0 0 263
JACIL 0 0 29 0 204 2 0 4 239
LCCIL 0 5 47 2 264 80 17 0 415
LINC 0 6 126 2 296 12 14 3 459
LIFE 0 1 22 0 216 3 0 5 247
NICIL 0 1 4 0 98 7 5 0 115
OFA 0 1 12 1 285 0 2 0 301
OPTIONS 0 1 58 0 312 7 4 2 384
PACE 2 8 128 1 589 12 9 1 750
PCIL 3 5 156 0 140 76 5 12 397
RAMP 0 9 165 1 536 55 29 2 797
SICIL 0 4 48 0 206 6 0 0 264
SAIL 0 0 33 0 242 1 3 0 279
SCIL 0 1 70 0 107 1 3 0 182
SHCIL 1 0 7 0 105 1 0 0 114
WCICIL 0 0 7 0 138 2 8 0 155
WGCIL 1 9 83 1 270 38 5 11 418
TOTAL 26 92 3134 15 5336 790 173 130 9696
PERCENT 0% 1% 32% 0% 55% 8% 2% 1% 100%

Direct Service by Primary Disability - SFY2019

AL 691 657 1387 23 57 0 245 3060
AIM 13 97 51 35 3 4 0 203
AFA 33 12 48 13 9 41 21 177
IICIL 37 34 92 65 51 91 0 370
IVCIL 21 9 38 2 3 31 3 107
IMPACT 14 4 56 14 142 32 1 263
JACIL 12 3 17 35 158 11 3 239
LCCIL 126 26 23 10 16 214 0 415
LINC 29 129 152 19 126 0 4 459
LIFE 26 6 28 1 167 10 9 247
NICIL 44 12 47 5 7 0 0 115
OFA 75 49 154 4 7 9 3 301
OPTIONS 42 45 110 8 129 46 4 384
PACE 81 37 148 184 277 15 8 750
PCIL 28 47 203 44 26 25 24 397
RAMP 325 168 261 23 12 0 8 797
SICIL 114 69 64 2 6 8 1 264
SAIL 15 15 93 34 117 5 0 279
SCIL 27 19 52 4 4 76 0 182
SHCIL 32 4 30 0 3 45 0 114
WCICIL 46 14 51 1 2 41 0 155
WGCIL 289 13 56 8 4 19 29 418
TOTAL 2120 1469 3161 534 1326 723 363 9696
PERCENT 22% 15% 33% 6% 14% 7% 4% 100%

Consumers by Individual Service - SFY2019

AL 35 605 2203 246 555 3644
AIM 43 112 1085 70 218 1528
AFA 199 14 1381 159 225 1978
IICIL 75 130 1041 78 185 1509
IVCIL 42 21 519 60 74 716
IMPACT 6 97 1303 19 171 1596
JACIL 30 28 1067 37 59 1221
LCCIL 182 287 1068 65 275 1877
LINC 35 116 2591 20 718 3480
LIFE 12 266 2526 51 215 3070
NICIL 40 78 857 41 139 1155
OFA 443 181 1521 104 195 2444
OPTIONS 55 224 560 72 151 1062
PACE 308 296 1526 238 964 3332
PCIL 39 43 2394 27 140 2643
RAMP 127 199 11511 19 300 12156
SICIL 45 64 1165 55 364 1693
SAIL 232 167 659 148 368 1574
SCIL 17 29 1738 7 22 1813
SHCIL 13 57 155 15 73 313
WCICIL 481 659 1441 14 665 3260
WGCIL 21 289 506 106 464 1386
TOTAL 2480 3962 38817 1651 6540 53450
PERCENTAGE 5% 7% 73% 3% 12% 100%

County Coverage - SFY2019

AL 1 3060 0 3060 100% 0%
AIM 3 201 2 203 99% 1%
AFA 4 133 44 177 75% 25%
IICIL 3 370 0 370 100% 0%
IVCIL 5 107 0 107 100% 0%
IMPACT 6 226 37 263 86% 14%
JACIL 4 205 34 239 86% 14%
LCCIL 2 393 22 415 95% 5%
LINC 3 437 22 459 95% 5%
LIFE 4 228 19 247 92% 8%
NICIL 5 65 50 115 57% 43%
OFA 13 297 4 301 99% 1%
OPTIONS 2 307 77 384 80% 20%
PACE 5 629 121 750 84% 16%
PCIL Sub. Cook 388 9 397 98% 2%
RAMP 4 787 10 797 99% 1%
SICIL 7 182 82 264 69% 31%
SAIL 6 268 11 279 96% 4%
SCIL 5 179 3 182 98% 2%
SHCIL 3 114 0 114 100% 0%
WCICIL 6 153 2 155 99% 1%
WGCIL 2 415 3 418 99% 1%
TOTAL 93 9144 552 9696 94% 6%

Overall Consumer Involvement - SFY2019

CIL Board Members with Disabilities Total Board Members Percentage Total Executive Staff with Disabilities Total Executive Staff Percentage Total Program and Support Staff with Disabilities Total Program and Support Staff Percentage
AL 14 23 61% 12 21 57% 26 40 65%
AIM 7 10 70% 4 4 100% 5 7 71%
AFA 6 9 67% 2 3 67% 3 5 60%
IICIL 7 9 78% 3 4 75% 4 6 67%
IVCIL 6 10 60% 2 3 67% 4 5 80%
IMPACT 8 12 67% 2 2 100% 7 12 58%
JACIL 7 10 70% 1 1 100% 12 12 100%
LCCIL 4 6 67% 3 3 100% 12 15 80%
LINC 7 9 78% 2 2 100% 9 14 64%
LIFE 9 14 64% 4 4 100% 5 5 100%
NICIL 4 6 67% 1 2 50% 4 5 80%
OFA 4 4 100% 2 3 67% 6 8 75%
OPTIONS 7 10 70% 3 3 100% 3 7 43%
PACE 8 8 100% 2 2 100% 6 8 75%
PCIL 6 11 55% 5 7 71% 10 12 83%
RAMP 8 11 73% 4 7 57% 18 31 58%
SAIL 5 5 100% 3 4 75% 12 16 75%
SCIL 4 7 57% 1 1 100% 6 9 67%
SICIL 9 10 90% 2 2 100% 8 9 89%
SHCIL 5 7 71% 2 2 100% 6 6 100%
WCICIL 4 6 67% 2 2 100% 4 5 80%
WGCIL 5 9 56% 1 1 100% 7 8 88%
TOTAL 144 206 70% 63 83 76% 177 245 72%

Successful Community Reintegrations - SFY2019

CIL Total
AL *
AIM 10
* No reintegration contract for SFY2019