October 18, 2019 Agenda

Illinois 2020 Census Advisory Panel
October 18, 2019
9:30 am


IDHS Harris Building - 100 S. Grand Avenue, 3rd Floor, Springfield
James R. Thompson Center - 100 W. Randolph, Suite 16-504, Chicago


  1. Welcome 
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Meeting Minutes 
    1. September 20, 2019 Meeting
  4. Public Participation 
  5. Update from the U.S. Census Bureau
  6. Update from the Secretary of State's Office 
  7. Update from the Department on Aging
  8. 2020 Census Notice of Funding Opportunity Update
  9. Timeline Review 
  10. Future Meetings 
  11. Post-Meeting Survey 
  12. Adjourn