Rev. 10/2019
Clients may only be enrolled in services at one agency at a time. Based on this, it is essential that all agencies cooperate in adhering to the following client transfer policy to ensure that there is a strong continuity of care for clients, and each client is receiving the most appropriate service based on their individual needs. Every agency is expected to follow the policy as it is written, unless prior approval has been given and documented by the MCH Nurse Consultant.
If a transfer of an active client is deemed necessary, based on the reasons given above, the agency receiving the client must communicate directly with the agency who is going to be losing the client to inform them of the transfer and request that the record be released in Cornerstone. This communication is to be documented in the Case Notes (CM04) of the client record for review at a later date.
Agencies who experience frequent transfers may implement a transfer request form or other form of documentation to complete transfers, however these forms may not replace the documentation within the client record in Cornerstone and are not a requirement of the Department.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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