1.6 - DHS Administrative and Programmatic Review - Evaluation and Monitoring

Revised October 2022

All DHS grantees will be evaluated per the Department protocol to review the program's progress according to stated goals, measurable objectives, and administrative operations. The Department or it's designee will monitor the delivery of program activities through, but not limited to:

  1. Quarterly communication from the Department in which quarterly performance data and trends will be highlighted
  2. Scheduled and as-needed technical assistance at the discretion of the Department to recommend areas of improvement and discuss barriers to program service delivery
  3. Biennial programmatic clinical reviews, as directed by the Clinical and Chart Evaluation Tools, including audit of charts and observation of service delivery.
    1. The Department will notify provider of any findings of noncompliance in the programmatic clinical review.
    2. When a review contains a finding of noncompliance, the Department must require local provider to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP), with timelines as indicated in writing to the provider.
    3. The Department will monitor provider implementation of Corrective Action Plans and notify the provider in writing once resolved.
  4. Failure to comply with Programmatic Reviews, technical assistance recommendations, or Corrective Action Plans may result in grant program suspension, termination, or submission of the grantee's record to the Illinois Stop Payment List Tracking System for review.

Chart Review and Clinical Review Tools will be provided to contract agencies by the Department at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of each fiscal year. These will be sent to the Local Agency Administrator and the Program Coordinator of each agency and can be requested from the MCH Nurse Consultant at any time.