Attendees from Council in Chicago:
Thane Dykstra, John Fallon, Fred Friedman, Irwin Kerzner, Joan Lodge, Ron Melka, Matt Perry, Margo Rothlisberger, John Shustizky,
Attendees from Council by Telephone:
Lisa Betz, Andrea Cooke, Yasmin Diodonet, Sondra Frazier, Dennis Hopkins, Tracy Hopkins, Patty Johnstone, James Kellerman, Nanette Larson, Pearl Madlock, Katie Mahoney, Judy Rushton, Susan Schroeder, Christine Walker, Michael Wathen, Sidney Weissman, Cindy Daxenbichler, Terry Carmichael
Attendees from the Council in Springfield:
Kelly Cunningham, Shirley Davis, AJ French, Lee Ann Reinert
Resource Personnel:
Brock Dunlap, Diana Knaebe, David Albert
Call to Order:
The Meeting was called to order by Margo Roethlisberger at 12:34 p.m. Attendance was recorded. David Albert is new to DMH and IMHPAC. He spoke of his experience to the group. He was welcomed to the group.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the May 2, 2019 meeting were revised to note that in the DMH report cuts to GROW of Illinois occurring in the past equaled up to over $800,000, not $600,000. It was also noted that in the March 7, 2019 minutes that AJ French was concerned about current funds to NAMI Illinois be preserved and a competitive application process to apply for funds be implemented. A correction to the Adult Inpatient Report was requested by John Fallon. Mr. Fallon motioned that the third sentence be stricken as the detail was not captured in that statement. Fred seconded the motion. Vote was taken. AJ French, Fred Friedman and Patty Johnstone abstain. Motion carries. John Fallon motioned to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2019 meeting with the approved changes. A vote was taken. Fred Friedman, AJ French, Andrea Cooke, John Shustizky and Cindy Daxenbichler abstained. No one opposed. The minutes from the May 2, 2019 have been approved with corrections.
Committee Reports:
Development Committee Report:
- Ron Melka and Fred Friedman, co-chairs, spoke for the Development Committee report. It was noted that the by-laws call for elections to be held in the fall meeting. Any new members will be voted on during the election at the fall meeting. Those with expiring terms, resignations, etc. need to give formal notification to the Secretary, Thane Dykstra. There are nine people whose terms are expiring. Ron Melka will send out an email asking those whose terms will be expiring to send a letter to the Secretary, Thane Dykstra with their intentions.
- We will begin a review of the by-laws. Thane Dykstra will send a copy of the by-laws to all members requesting they return any suggestions to him within 30 days. Thane will complete a summary of suggestions for the next meeting for review. All suggestions will be forwarded to chairs as they are received. Fred Friedman urged the members to take the time to read the by-laws thoroughly so that suggestions can be offered.
- Matt Perry announced that he will be resigning his position as Co-chair and his seat will be open for the next election as he will be moving out of state to pursue a degree in law.
Adult Inpatient Committee Report:
- Andrea Cooke reported that the committee discussed Living Rooms and 16 bed inpatient units but spent the bulk of their time talking about hospitals. John Fallon voiced concerns that the report is not restricted to current and correct facts but offer opinions instead. Andrea Cooke suggested that John Fallon attend the next committee meeting to voice his concerns regarding the content of the minutes. Fred Friedman noted that as this is a report and not technically minutes the information within is acceptable. John Fallon stated contests that the information in the attachments is not current and accurate. He would like to receive facts from the Division of Mental Health. Margo Rothlisberger will share the link with the Secretary, Thane Dykstra so that he may send the correct link to the members.
- Sondra Frazier shared that Holy Cross Hospital on the south side is opening a new psychiatric unit with its own mental health ER, noting it is the first of it's kind in Illinois. Director Knaebe clarified that it is the first of it's kind in Illinois. The group agreed that this was very good news.
Justice Committee Report:
- AJ French noted that Paul Jones from the Lt. Governor's office joined the meeting as a listener. He wanted to get perspectives from the diverse intersection of committee members which made up most of the discussion for the meeting. Action items noted will be discussed at the next meeting.
Child & Adolescent Committee Report:
- Ray Connor stated the committee met and discussed how the committee should be structured. The committee was maintaining a separate mailing list of members of the public. A separate mailing list would not be in accordance with the Open Meetings Act and no decision was made to make any changes at this time. Ron Melka suggested using the 'town meeting' format allowing the public to listen and speak at the end with a time limit. He pointed out that these meetings fall under the OMA.
- Ray Connor pointed out that none of the Co-chairs are parents with children currently in service. Ray is a parent but with children no longer in service. It was suggested that he be replaced as Co-chair with a parent that currently has a child in service. Ray recommends the committee find a new Co-chair. Fred thanked Ray for his years of service.
- Lee Ann Reinert read the rules of the committees from the by-laws. The majority of the committees must be council members. Ray and Margo will have a Co-chair meeting to discuss which council members they will invite to join the committee and bring recommendations to the larger committee.
Strategic Planning Committee Report:
- The Strategic Plan is complete. John Shustitzky motioned to dissolve this committee. AJ French seconded the motion. Vote was taken with no opposition. Motion carries. This committee is dissolved.
DMH Report:
- Brock Dunlap noted that he has an update on the budget that was discussed a couple of months ago. There will be a 2.5% increase to the grant amount. The first step of the staff wage increase will happen January 1, 2020. Fred asked for more detail as to where the money is going. The answer at this point is unclear.
- Central and southern senators are working on helping rural areas with mental health through a specialized program for monitoring.
- Dr. Weissman noted that the law requires individuals that have been on Medicaid that are incarcerated be reinstated to Medicaid when they are released. It is unclear who is responsible for implementing this. AJ French noted that when someone is released from prison they need to have an ID issued prior to leaving so they can access care. Fred Friedman suggests that Dr. Weissman join the Justice Committee. The issue will be added to the Justice Committee agenda.
- On Monday the Block Grant Plan was distributed to the council. The plan is due on September 1, 2019. Please email any comments to Jennie Melton and Irwin Kerzner no later than August 1, 2019.
- DMH is being told that they are going to be converting to different hosting technology. A survey will come out and council members are asked to please respond to the survey. Public comments as well as member's comments are welcome.
IHFS Report:
- Kelly Cunningham provided an update on the status of integrated health homes. They have changed their approach when compared with what they were moving forward with last year. HFS has withdrawn the state plan in response to advocates and people in need of services. They are looking at two plans, one for adults and one for children. Different services and requirements can be integrated into each plan. They plan on having public meetings that are dedicated to getting input from the public.
- Part of the state's behavioral health transformation is the 115 waiver. They are still committed to pilot projects, substance use, mental health, housing and supported employment. The reporting and evaluation burden is too high to continue to operate in the same manner.
- Terry asked if the community will be included in the reconstruction of the pilots. The answer being that they are looking for new ways to continue the programs, they would appreciate input but not looking for structural changes.
- Ray asked about the ICG program. The answer being it is doing well. Several hundred children are being served and the majority are in their residential homes as opposed to institutional centers.
- John asked for an update on the William's Consent Decree. Dianna Knaebe states that the implementation plans have just been accepted. The sister agencies that are part of it have clearly defined roles for 2020.
- Margo asked when the rate increases will be posted. Kelly Cunningham will see where we stand. She states that it is currently being worked on. Mobile crisis reimbursement is also in the works.
New Business:
- Thane Dykstra was given a report from Amy Starin that seems very helpful. He wants to make sure that it's ok to send those out to members. Margo stated that there was nothing in the by-laws preventing the information from being distributed to the members.
AJ French stated that, historically, the Council has shared information with members that can be distributed to the public.
- Fred Friedman asked where the reimbursement forms go after they are complete. Irwin Kerzner will take Fred's W9 and make sure it gets to the Springfield office. Tracy Hopkins is the Treasurer so forms should go to her. Her contact information is on the form and she will process as soon as she is able. The deadline to have the forms turned in to DMH is the end of August. If you receive a stipend and travel reimbursement, this meeting will count in the next fiscal year.
Public Comment:
- No public comment.
Motion to adjourn was made at 2:48 p.m by Ray Connor. Motion was seconded by Ron Melka. Meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting:
Scheduled for July 11, 2019 - 12:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thane Dykstra
IMHPAC Secretary