BEACON is a centralized resource for Illinois youth and families seeking services for behavioral health needs. It's common for young people to struggle with behavioral and/or mental health challenges. Please know you are not alone, and neither is your child. We are here to help. Visit the BEACON Portal at:
Welcome to the Teachers/Administrators/School Support Staff page. It is our hope the information and resources on this page will provide guidance and information when addressing issues related to student mental health, teacher mental wellness, and school climate and safety. To make it easier for you to access the information you are looking for we have divided the information by topic as follows:
Practice Wise: A tool to help clinicians organize and improve the quality of mental health care for children and adolescents. Practice Wise must be accessed through the link provided by DHS in order to utilize the free version for Illinois practitioners. For more information and the link to access, click here: Practice Wise
The Illinois State Board of Education remains the education authority for the State of Illinois and IDHS-DMH supports their messaging and resources related to teachers and administrators on their School Wellness webpage.
The Illinois School and Campus Safety Resource Center has developed resource pages for Behavioral Threat Assessment and School Violence. This center is a partnership between the Illinois Terrorism Task Force and Western Illinois University, it is administered by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Executive Institute at Western Illinois University.
In addition to the resources listed in the topic categories above, Teachers, Administrators and School Support Staff also have access to the information available at their National Association webpages. Some of this information has limited access for non-members.
Below are links to each of the National Associations: