Child Care Advisory Council Operating Guidelines


The Child Care Advisory Council (CCAC) is a group of invited stakeholders who assist the Office of Early Childhood of the Illinois Department of Human Services by providing input on specific issues, questions and concerns related to child care. The Advisory Council is not constrained by legal requirements or preoccupied with governance matters. However, it does operate within a set of guidelines outlined herein:

  1. Member Responsibilities

    1.  Members serve as a link between the Illinois Department of Human Services and the community.
    2. Members advise on best use of financial resources to ensure financial viability of child care program services statewide.
    3. Members assist with the development of statewide policies, goals, and initiatives that are consistent with the mission, vision, priorities and strategic direction of the IDHS Office of Early Childhood.
    4. Members help ensure that child care needs assessments and market rate studies are conducted as appropriate.
    5. Members participate in reviewing and evaluating state plans.
    6. Members serve as communication links between the Governor's Early Learning Council and other statutory or advisory bodies that work on issues related to child care and early learning.
    7. Members must serve on at least one standing committee.
  2. Composition

    1. Advisory Council membership is by invitation of the Illinois Department of Human Services.
    2. The Advisory Council should include a balanced representation of stakeholders inclusive of advocates, child care providers, Child Care Resource and Referral agencies, IDHS site contracted programs, parents (who receive assistance through CCAP), and other entities as deemed necessary. The composition of the Advisory Council should demonstrate a wide range of knowledge and expertise related to the development of children and families, and provide a heterogeneous mix in terms of skills, strengths, community knowledge, professions, age, race, gender, nationality or ethnicity.
    3. The 2 Co-Chairs of the Advisory Council shall be invited to serve for one years. The term may be repeated.
    4. Committee Co-Chairs or Co-Chairs are appointed by IDHS. These appointed positions shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Advisory Council. Members who are appointed as Chairs serve for a term of 12 months. Terms may be repeated.
    5. Members at large shall be invited by IDHS to serve for one year. The term may be repeated.
    6. Advisory Council members are asked to attend a minimum of three (3) meetings per year and should not miss three (3) consecutive meetings
  3. Co-Chairs and Committees

    1. Advisory Council shall have two Co-Chairs and each standing committee shall have Chairs or Co-Chairs appointed by IDHS.
    2. All committee work is conducted by council members and other invited experts, providers or consumers of services.
    3. The Advisory Council shall be composed of four committees; family engagement, policy, quality and workforce, data and research. At the discretion of the Department or the Co-Chairs, ad hoc committees can be established to work on specific topics.
    4. Staff support will be provided to each committee by the department or committees organization. All committee meetings must be held in a timely manner that supports the mailing of all agenda items and reports to the full Council at a minimum of two weeks prior to the next Council meeting.
    5. Executive Committee will meet two weeks in advance to prepare the meeting agenda and ensure all necessary support materials are prepared and submitted a minimum of two days before each meeting.
  4. Voting-Presenting Recommendations to Full Advisory Council

    1. Committee work will be brought to the full council for approval, prior to coming to IDHS as a formal recommendation(s). All committee work is confidential in nature until brought to the full council for discussion. All Drafts of Committee work should be marked "Confidential Draft for Internal Use Only"
    2. A majority vote from members present will be needed for approval.
    3. Approved recommendations will be shared with the Secretary.
  5. Advisory Council Meetings

    1. Meetings are conducted quarterly, with the option for more frequent meetings as necessary to meet internal or external deadlines for recommendations or development of policies or plans.
    2. Meetings are open to the public with time allocated for public comment.