MR #21.18: Proof of Income for Medical Programs

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services LogoIllinois Department of Human Services Logo


This Manual Release revises PM Verifications for Medical Programs dated 10/03/13 and PM Drop Cents When Entering Income with Pay Frequency in IES dated 05/15/19.

The guidance provided in this Manual Release does not replace the procedures put in place during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).

Please note that during PHE, the policy describing the income verification process should be followed as included here: PM COVID-19 Pandemic Response Updated Requirements for Acceptance of Self-Attestation.


  • Only one proof of income received from each source is required for medical programs.
  • Clarifies the last 30 days of income for medical programs.
  • IES will systematically drop cents.
  • Budgeting is not changed.
  • Request additional proof of income if provided verification is questionable.


State Statute Public Act 101-0649

In an effort to further streamline the application process and assist eligible clients in applying for medical benefits, only one paystub is required to determine eligibility for all medical programs. For unearned income, only one proof of income received is required, even if the income is received more frequently than once a month. Self-employment records for the entire month are still required.


State Statute Public Act 101-0649

One paystub is required when reviewing eligibility for all medical programs. For unearned income, only one proof of income received is required, even if the income is received more frequently than once a month. Self-employment records for the entire month are still required.

Thirty Days

This section clarifies the phrase "last 30 days" regarding the time frame used to verify income. As long as the proof of income from the 30 day period is representative of the income expected to be received on-going, any 30 day period beginning with 30 days from:

  • The date the application is submitted through the date a decision is made on the application; or
  • The date the redetermination form is mailed through the date a decision is made on the redetermination.

Dropping Cents

Enter the income as reported, including cents. The system will drop the cents when calculating Medical Eligibility.

Note: When IES budgets the income, the result may include cents as shown on the Employment Budget Summary screen. For accuracy, the worker should review the Eligibility Summary screen to ensure that IES has dropped cents in the final calculation.


Budgeting is not changed. If the person is paid weekly and provides one paystub, workers should enter the paystub and choose the correct pay frequency and IES will multiply the gross amount by 4.3.  If the person is paid every 2 weeks and provides one paystub, IES multiplies the gross amount by 2.15.  If the person is paid twice a month, IES multiplies by 2.

Additional Proof

Additional proof is required only when the worker has reason to believe that the proof provided does not adequately show the family's actual income or expenses for the month. An example of this would be when the client states that income was different for a backdated month. For backdated months when the client states the amount was different, the client must provide a paystub for the month in question.

Note: Remember to check electronic sources for proof of income before requesting proof from the applicant/customer.


[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services 

Theresa Eagleson

Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services