IMHPAC: Meeting Minutes 5/2/2019

Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council


May 2, 2019


Attendees from Council in Chicago:

Ray Connor, Stephanie Frank, Irwin Kerzner, Ron Melka, Matt Perry, Margo Rothlisberger, Amy Starin, Scott Noble, Julius Mercer

Attendees from Council by Telephone:

Lisa Betz, Georgianne Broughton, Terry Carmichael, Andrea Cooke, Thane Dykstra, Sondra Fraizer, Belinda Gunning, Dennis Hopkins, Tracy Hopkins, Patty Johnstone, James Kellerman, Nanette Larson, Pearl Madlock, Katie Mahoney, Jennifer McGowen-Tomke, Irene O'Neill, Susan Schroeder, Sidney Weissman, Sarah Wiemeyer

Attendees from the Council in Springfield:

Shirley Davis, AJ French, Lee Ann Reinert

Resource Personnel:

Brock Dunlap, Diana Knaebe

Call to Order:

The Meeting was called to order by Margo Roethlisberger at 12:30 p.m. Attendance was recorded.

Approval of Minutes

Attendance and a correction to the mental health report reflecting Aj French's concern about funding being preserved and a competitive process to apply be implemented were noted on the minutes from the meeting on March 7, 2019 while under review. John Fallon moved to accept the minutes with the corrections. Amy Starin seconded. The minutes were approved with corrections.

Division of Mental Health Report

  • Brock Dunlap stated that appropriation hearings with the house and senate will occur. We are waiting for a proposal to go out to the governor's office. They are in a holding pattern.
  • Concerns about Governor Pritzker to remove money from NAMI were communicated. A member of the council proposed that IMHPAC draft a letter to legislators regarding the loss of money that NAMI will face with the current budget proposal. AJ French would like the letter to remind the legislators that cuts occurring in the past add up to over $800,000. Shirley Davis seconded the motion. A vote was taken on drafting the letter. No one opposed. Ray Connor, Stephanie Frank, Sarah Wiemeyer, Lee Ann Reinert and Sue Schroeder abstained. Motion carries. The letter will be drafted by AJ French and upon completion she will send it to the council co-chairs. .
  • Lee Ann Reinert distributed a draft of a portion of the block grant that was based on input from those that responded to the request. She noted that the structure is the same but input was incorporated into the 'Needs of Service' section. Lee Ann thanked members for their input. Any other input that members would like to provide should be sent in writing to Lee Ann and Irwin. The report was sent out last week and will be resent by Lee Ann Reinert.

IHFS Report:

  • No Report
  • Lee Ann will follow up with someone from HFS to try to facilitate their participation.

Strategic Planning Committee:

  • A draft of the strategic plan was sent to members on March 25, 2019. Amy Starin read through the six major points in the plan. After questions were answered Amy Starin made a motion to approve the plan. Ray Connor seconded the motion. No one opposed or abstained. The motion carries and the Strategic Plan has been finalized.

Committee Reports:

Development Committee:
  • Ron Melka addressed the report regarding membership categories. The roster has been adjusted after feedback from members with their choices. Ron pointed out that one year ago the Committee was grossly short of the 45 members required. The committee now has more than 45 members and continues to grow. The ratio of providers and members is within the requirements, currently, with 21 providers and 20 consumers with 3 more candidates identifying as consumers will be brought before the Committee today for approval.
  • Applications for new membership were reviewed for Alice Kieft, Scott Noble and Julius Mercer. Alice being in a car accident recently was unable to attend however her membership application was reviewed with her membership taking effect when she is able to attend her first meeting. The Committee voted on Alice's membership. No one opposed. AJ French abstained. Motion carries.
  • Scott Noble addressed the group and summarized his experience and qualifications. Ron motioned that Scott's membership be voted on. No one opposed. No one abstained. The motion carries. Scott was welcomed as a member.
  • Julius Mercer addressed the group with his experience. Ron moved to vote on Julius' membership. A vote was conducted. No one opposed. No one abstained. The motion carries. Julius was welcomed as a member.
  • It was noted that emergency recruitment had to be done because of the low numbers in membership. The bylaws call for a vote on new members every fall. Ron states that since membership is now compliant with the bylaws that any new recruits be recruited in the fall. Ron's and the Development Committee's work was appreciated by the group. AJ and Irwin were thanked for their assistance with recruiting members. The Child and Adolescent Committee is asking if anyone knows of parents that they can reach out to for membership in the committee. Ron will email names to Margo.
  • Shirley requested an orientation for new members when they are recruited at off times. Ron will conduct an orientation for new members in addition to the annual orientation.
Adult Inpatient Report:
  • Andrea Cooke expressed concerns that the Adult Inpatient Committee reports are not being acted on, for instance, 16 bed inpatient facilities. The committee previously recommended that consideration be given to the creation of diversion centers with no response as of yet. There is a national movement recommending that we move away from crisis centers and alternatives to emergency rooms be researched. Andrea encourages members to look at other models.
  • Lee Ann will provide a call-in number for members that would like to join the committee but are unable to attend in person. Adult Inpatient Committee meets on Mondays opposite the IMHPAC meetings at 11am. The co-chairs appoint members to the committee. Anyone interested should email Margo Rothlisberger and Matt Perry.
  • The committee discussed the Living Room model. Sustainable funding is something that eludes the Living Room model. It was noted that anything within Living Room that is potentially fundable through Medicaid makes the state unable to provide a grant for them.
Justice Committee Report:
  • AJ French pointed out that in the last three meetings time is running out before the Justice Committee gets to speak. Marlo stated that the order of the agenda can be altered so that the Justice Committee has the time to speak.
  • The Justice Committee is looking forward to interactions with other community entities. Wrap class at no cost to the state was offered but it was declined. This was a concern.
  • AJ French expressed appreciation to people that have been helpful with the movement. Particular mention goes to Lee Ann Reinert and Sue Schroeder.
New Business:

- No new business.

Public Comment:

- No public comment.


Motion to adjourn was made at 2:48 p.m by Ray Connor. Motion was seconded by Andrea Cooke. Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting:

Scheduled for July 11, 2019 - 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Thane Dykstra

IMHPAC Secretary