MR #19.09: Asset Verification System

Illinois Department of Human Services
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Summary: This Manual Release introduces the AVS system.

  • The Asset Verification System (AVS) is being introduced.
  • Provides details of the AVS Support system.
  • Provides direction on when to initiate an AVS search.
  • Provides direction on performing a Direct Account Search.
  • Provides direction for individuals that do not require an AVS search.
  • Summarizes AVS Search Results.
  • Provides direction on issuing a VCL for resources.
  • Provides Quick Tips for easy reference.
  • Provides Look-Back Periods and related Types of Assistance (TOA).

The Asset Verification System (AVS)

The Asset Verification System (AVS) electronically searches Financial Institutions (FIs) across the United States for resources and resource transfers for Illinois Medicaid Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (AABD) Community or Long-Term Care (LTC) clients. AVS responses provide up to 60 months worth of account balances, account ownership, earned interest, account open/closed dates, account types and the Financial Institution where the account is located. AVS is being rolled out in 2 phases. Phase 1 introduces the AVS Web Portal which requires manual entry (AdHoc) of individual information and is available as of 12/15/2018. Phase 2 introduces a batch process which will systematically initiate searches for applications and REDEs (more information will be released when this becomes available).

AVS Support

The AVS system provides support to its users for technical and procedural guidance. The AVS Web Portal includes the Asset Verification System Help Center located on the AVS Dashboard which includes short videos on topics such as:

  • Site Access and Change Password,
  • Case Queue,
  • AdHoc Request (single request),
  • Eligibility History,
  • Navigation Icons, and
  • Results After Decision Queue.

Select the ? icon on the top right of the AVS Dashboard to view the AVS Help Topics such as Case Dashboard and Case Queue. To report an issue or to talk to a representative from PCG concerning AVS issues, contact the AVS call center by email at AVS offers support to the participating FIs that are part of the AVS network. When a FI contacts a worker seeking AVS support, provide the following:

Initiate an AVS search (Adhoc)

To access the AVS Web Portal visit: Before initiating a request in AVS, review prior AVS search results for each individual. To view previous searches:

  • Log on to the AVS Web Portal,
  • Select the magnifying glass icon,
  • Enter any of the following:
    • Social Security Number (SSN) (using the SSN will help reduce the amount of search results),
    • Last Name and First Name, or
    • Case Number.
  • Select "Search'.

If AVS does not show that a search has been performed, initiate the request. Users will need to allow IES to build the EDG before submitting a request for an AVS search. After IES has built the EDG, the user will enter the targeted TOA in the "Request Type" field. AVS requires the TOA to be entered along with the following information (Review the list of TOAs at the bottom of this page that require an AVS search to be completed):

  • Applicant Type (Application or Renewal),
  • Request Type (TOA),
  • HH size (1 or 2),
  • District (DHS or HFS),
  • Name,
  • Social Security Number (SSN),
  • Gender,
  • Date of Birth,
  • Application Date, and
  • Physical Address.

Each AVS search may contain a maximum of 2 individuals, an additional request will be required for each additional individual(s). When a single request contains 2 individuals, the individuals need to be linked together as spouses (this field is mandatory and does not mean the individuals are actually spouses). Review page 17 of the IL AVS User Guide.docx for instructions on adding a spouse. AVS requires the individual's physical address to be entered.

Note: Allow 10 calendar days for search results to be returned.

Note: Each request will require the user to set an alert in IES for 10 calendar days. 

AVS Direct Account Search

 The AVS system offers users to search a specific FI that was not included in the AVS search results. To select a FI for a direct search:

  • Select the individual from the AVS Case Queue,
  • Select the 'Account Information' tab,
  • Select 'Add Additional Bank(s) for Verification',
  • Enter the name of the bank,
  • Select 'Search',
  • Select the bank from the search results (when multiple locations for the same bank are returned, the user only needs to select 1 to conduct the search), and
  • Select 'Save'.

Note: The Direct Account Search will take 10 calendar days.

Individuals that do not Require an AVS Search

The following individuals do not require an AVS search to be completed:

  • Individuals that are only receiving Medicare Savings Program (MSP) benefits,
  • Individuals that have countable income less than or equal to 100% of the FPL,
  • Individuals eligible for Simplified Processing, or
  • MAGI EDGs:
    • ACA,
    • FHP,
    • Pregnant Women, or
    • All Kids Share, Premium 1 and Premium 2 EDGs.

Note: The individual's current written statement declaring their resources are below the resource standard for the program, when their verified income is at or below 100% Federal Poverty Level should be accepted, unless questionable.

AVS Search Results

AVS returns verifications within 10 calendar days after a search is initiated. The AVS Web Portal receives resource verifications from participating FIs, provides the total of discovered resource(s), and provides a summary of the results in the AVS Case Dashboard. The dashboard provides the following information:

  • Request Date,
  • Request Type,
  • Case Type (Application or Redetermination),
  • HH size,
  • Case Name,
  • Case Number,
  • AVS Search Results, and
  • Case Status.

Compare the results returned by AVS to reported and/or known information. Customers must verify all declared or known resources not found by AVS. Refer cases to OIG when verified resource transfer(s) are equal to or above the allowable transfer limit (see PM 07-02-20 for the resource transfer limit) or if they are questionable or unexplained.

Issue a VCL for Resources Based on AVS Verifications

Send a VCL for verification of a resource when:

Client Statement is: AVS Results: Action
Under Resource Limit Over Resource Limit Send a VCL
Over Resource Limit Over Resource Limit Use AVS Results
Under Resource Limit Under Resource Limit Use AVS Results
Does not declare Over Resource Limit Send a VCL
Does not declare Under Resource Limit Use AVS Results
**Declared Resource(s) Nothing Found Send a VCL

**When declared or known resources are not found by AVS and verification is needed, send a VCL.

Note: Verify resource transfers for all individuals applying for or receiving Long Term Care Support Services (LTSS).

Quick Tips

  • Each worker is assigned an ID and password to access the AVS Web Portal.
  • Refer to the AVS 2.0 User Guide (pdf) for detailed instructions on how to use AVS. To become familiar with the AVS system visit the AVS Demo Portal.
  • AVS allows users to search a specific bank by using the Direct Account Search function.
  • AVS returns resource verifications in 10 calendar days.
  • Results returned after a worker has entered an Eligibility Decision will display in the 'Results After Decision' tab.
  • IES will need to build the EDG prior to initiating an AVS search.
  • Enter the targeted TOA when doing an AVS search.
  • If a request contained an incorrect SSN, the worker will need to correct the SSN and submit a new request.
  • When a request contains 2 individuals, they must be linked together using the link spouses tab (this field is mandatory and does not mean the individuals are actually spouses).
  • Each request will require the user to set an alert in IES for 10 calendar days to view the AVS results. 
  • AVS provides the balance as of the first day of each month for liquid resources such as checking and savings accounts.
  • When a verified resource exceeds the applicable resource limit (see WAG 25-03-02 (2)), the AVS system will flag the resource for review. Use casework knowledge when deciding eligibility.
  • AVS includes the ability for users to leave comments for other users such as "On December 5, 2018 AVS search results verified an undisclosed resource located at Bank of America. Check to make sure that BoA is included in the search results on the next REDE".
  • Duplicate searches are defined as a search that contains the same Name, SSN, and look back period requested by a user in the same calendar month.
  • Verify resource transfers for all individuals applying for or receiving Long Term Care Support Services (LTSS).
  • AVS does not provide verification for the following types of resources:
    • Life Insurance Policies,
    • Bonds,
    • Treasury Securities, and
    • Real Property.

Look-Back Periods and Related Types of Assistance (TOA)

See the table below to locate the Look-Back period assigned to each TOA. AVS will return verifications for the time frame displayed in the Look-Back Period column and will flag resources that are over the Resource Limit. See WAG 25-03-02 (2) for resource limits.

Program TOA Look-Back Period AVS Code
Widower WDOW 30 Days TP22
DAC DAC 30 Days TP18
AABD-Community AABD 30 Days ADMA



SPDC 30 Days G2SM



SPDL 60 Months G2LT
1619 1619 30 Days TPOB
Shelter Care SHLT 30 Days TPSC
DOA Spenddown DOAS 60 Months TDPS

Manual Revisions

Forms Referenced

[signed copy on file]

Grace B. Hou

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Theresa Eagelson

Director, Healthcare and Family Services