January 16, 2019 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 16, 2019, 9:00am to 12:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In:  888-494-4032
    Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates
  5. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2019 Schedule Review
    2. DMC
    3. FF Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
      2. Quarterly Reports
    4. Compliance Monitoring
      1. Data FFY17 Final
      2. FFY18 YTD
      3. Electronic Data Collection
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
    1. Resolution honoring Ron Smith
    2. Establishing IJJC priorities for SFY20
    3. FY20 NOFOs
    4. Recommended New Committees/Responsibilities:
      1. Membership
      2. Data/Technical Assistance
      3. Outreach
  8. Legislative Updates
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meetings
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting on 02/20/2019
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting on 04/17/2019
    Full Commission meeting will take place on 2/20/2019
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:20am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Julie Biehl, Lisa Jacobs, George Timberlake, Ben Roe, Rick Velasquez, Ja'Vaune Jackson, Dana Weiner, Shelley Davis, Patrick Nelson, Jacqueline Bullard and Angela Rudolph.
    Guests: Patricia Egipciaco.   
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Sara Araiza, Peg Robertson, Olivia Wilks and Berenice Villalobos.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Motion: Judge Timberlake motioned to approve the minutes for the Planning and Grants Committee/Executive Commission Meeting on December 19th, 2018. Commissioner Lisa Jacobs seconded the motion.
    Decision: The board approved the minutes for the Planning and Grants Committee/Executive Commission Meeting on December 19th, 2018.
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
    Wendy Nussbaum indicated that spending by grantees was behind. Dekalb, Kane (utilized 30%), DuPage (19%), YOS (30%), and CPRD (11%) are all behind. Judge Timberlake questioned why FY19 provider expenditures are behind. In CPRD's case, it may be that no one has been hired to replace Susan Witkin.
    Ms. Nussbaum stated that the Title II 2015 funds have been expended, the Title II 2016 funds are obligated to be spent by September 2019. She announced to the council that it received an increased allocation of $1.573 million for Title II 2018. Ms. Nussbaum clarified that when we add all the remaining funds, the Commission has a total of $1.871 million unobligated funds.
  5. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2019 Schedule Review
      Judge Timberlake asked the Commission if they had any suggestion for changes to the proposed meeting schedule; no changes were suggested; therefore the current meeting schedule will remain.
    2. DMC
      Olivia Wilks stated that the DMC submitted the letter regarding School Resource Officers (SRO) to Mayor Rahm Emanuel and they will send an amended version to the new Mayor if Mayor Emanuel does not make the proposed changes. She also stated that ICOY is on the task force developing the SRO curriculum. Ms. Wilks will share the draft of the SRO curriculum with the DMC committee for suggestions once it is created. ICOY is currently working on the new DMC plan for submission to OJJDP and will submit a draft to the Commission.
      Ms. Wilks outlined the certificate program at the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown. The trip will include stakeholders from Winnebago County and will include the development of a plan to address racial and ethnic disparities in the community. She stated that the group is seeking money from other sources to meet the tuition costs of the program. The cost is an estimated $3,500 per person making the total funds need of over $30,000.
      Motion: Commissioner Jacobs motioned to have the Commission authorize the Planning and Grants Committee to consider and approve, if appropriate an application from Winnebago County to attend the Georgetown program for an amount of up to $40,000. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.
      Decision: The Commission approved the review of the Winnebago application to attend the Georgetown program for the amount of up to $40,000 with no opposition.
      Ms. Nussbaum stated that the Commission needs to submit a DMC plan to OJJDP. Ms. Wilks is still in the process of collecting the data for the plan from the counties. Ms. Wilks stated that DMC's plan will include the school discipline report and the girls' grant project.
    3. JJ Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
        Olivia Wilks stated that site visits to assess program deliverables for each JJ council were being planned. She stated that during the site visits, the technical assistance team will go over program deliverables, check progress on their juvenile justice plans, review the site's DMC work, and assess what challenges the JJ councils are facing.
        Olivia Wilks stated the school discipline data from the school discipline report will be a topic included in the visits and councils will be asked what they are doing to address the issue. Olivia indicated that the site's system map is also something the technical assistance team will review.
        Olivia said she will be meeting with Commissioner Dana Weiner and Wendy Nussbaum to develop and standardize performance measures and program deliverables for all providers.
      2. Quarterly reports
        Ms. Nussbaum suggested creating a subcommittee to look at performance data quarterly and determine the best way to present the records to Commission.
    4. Compliance Monitoring
      1. Data FFY17 final
        Wendy Nussbaum discussed data collected by Dick Walsh on jail removals. She stated that there are about 156 violations with a few sites not reporting. Every violation will be reviewed for validity and explanation; however, this is well below the De Minimis.
      2. FFY18 YTD
        Mr. Walsh is awaiting current numbers on jail removals for FFY18.
      3. Electronic Data Collection
        Wendy Nussbaum indicated that during the November training, it was mentioned by other states that it costs somewhere between $70,000 to $150,000 to build a system for compliance data reporting. However, she reported that she is creating an excel spreadsheet that could collect compliance data to the capacity the Commission needed. Her spreadsheet would automatically calculate time that a youth has been held, identify status offenses, and identify reasons for youth being held over 6 hours. Ms. Nussbaum stated the report is almost complete. The report would have to be approved by DOC prior to implementation. In addition, some law enforcement agencies may have to purchase and be trained in Excel. Further work will be done on this issue.
  6. Old Business
    1. Illinois Juvenile Officers Association Conference Proposal
      Wendy Nussbaum stated that at the last meeting, it was decided that the Commission would be willing to fund the IJOA conference if they were willing to put the Adolescent Domestic Battery on their agenda and allowed for Dick Walsh to give a presentation on compliance monitoring and protocol implementation. She reported that IJOA has agreed to both requests. Commissioner Velasquez requested that we also send a representative from one of our providers; Ms. Nussbaum will attempt to arrange this.
    2. Current IJJC membership and recommendations
      Judge Timberlake stated that all of the terms for Commissioners (except youth commissioner Jackson) will be expiring and vacancies need to be filled. He asked the Commission for suggestions on potential members. Commissioners who wish to remain, will need to reapply.
      Commissioner Jackson asked the Commission to provide clarification on what the role of youth Commissioners is in IJJC. Dana Weiner offered to create a template of what the role of youth members is and will share with Mr. Ja'Vaune Jackson to assist him in recruitment. Judge Timberlake stated the age for youth members has been raised to up to 28 years old. Judge Timberlake mentioned that to expand the role of youth Commissioners, youth Commissioner meetings could be implemented, and youth Commissioners could have a stronger role in advising at the adult Commissioners' meetings.
      Wendy Nussbaum asked for the Commission to start an outreach committee that would include Ja'Vaune Jackson, Olivia Wilks, Lisa Jacobs and Julie Biehl. This committee will oversee recruiting potential new members for the Commission. Commissioner Weiner will also help with membership outreach.
  7. New Business
    1. Resolution honoring Ron Smith
      Motion: Judge Timberlake motioned to create a written resolution honoring the late Ron Smith's passing to share with Ron's family. Commissioner Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.
      Decision: The Commission approved creating a written resolution honoring Ron Smith to share with his family.
    2. Establishing IJJC priorities for SFY20
      It was decided that once a new Commission was created, changes would be implemented on what priorities the Commission will commit to moving forward.
    3. FY20 NOFOs
      Motion: Lisa Jacobs motioned that the Commission should authorize the Planning and Grants Committee to develop a NOFO for JJ councils (which would include existing sites and new sites). Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.
      Decision: The Commission approved the motion to authorize planning and grants to develop a NOFO for current and new JJ councils.
      Motion: Judge Timberlake motioned the Commission to authorize the development of a Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Program NOFO for new and existing sites. Shelley Davis seconded the motion. Commissioner Velasquez recused himself and Commissioner Angela Rudolph abstained.
      Decision: The Commission approved authorizing the development of a Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Program NOFO for new & existing sites.
    4. Recommended New Committees/Responsibilities
      1. Membership
        Wendy Nussbaum suggested the Membership Committee determine what roles and tasks exist for current and potential Commissioners.
      2. Data/Technical Assistance
        Ms. Nussbaum suggested the Data and Technical Assistance Committee evaluate current performance measures and technical assistance provided to sites.
      3. Outreach
        Judge Timberlake suggested the Outreach Committee reach out to candidates who applied from the last pool of applicants and encourage them to apply again.
        Dana Weiner suggested that the Commissioners should be given time to determine what committees they would like to be a part of and what these committees would oversee.
  8. Legislative Updates
    No legislative updates were given at the meeting.
  9. Public Comment
    No public comment was made at this meeting.
  10. Next Meetings
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting on 02/20/2019
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting on 04/17/2019
    The next Commission meeting will take place on February 20th, 2019.
  11. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 12:02pm.