GRF Walk-Up

DHS General Funds Walk to DHS FY20 Introduced Budget

(All Numbers in Thousands)

Category Amount
GRF FY19 Enacted Appropriations 3,819,030.50
FY19 Supplemental Needs
Home Services Program Shortfall - (unfunded Health Insurance of $40M,
unfunded IP Wage Increase of $0.48 an hour
$20M being paid to escrow account per court order, and
$20M in caseload growth and increase in average monthly spending per person)
Subtotal 80,000.00
FY19 Estimated Spending with Supplemental Request 3,899,030.50
Developmental Disabilities
Ligas Annualization & New Placements - Supports approximately 700 placements 25,000.00
Discontinue St. Mary's Hospital Autism Services (500.00)
3% Increase in Federal SSI monthly benefits - impacts Home Based Services 6,300.00
Subtotal 30,800.00
Family & Community Services
Early Intervention Liability growth 7,000.00
Childcare Eligibility increase to 200% FPL, effective Jan 1, 2020 30,000.00
Homeless Prevention Program Expansion 250.00
Discontinue Illinois Collaboration on Youth funding (500.00)
Subtotal 36,750.00
Mental Health
Williams Annualizations and New Placements 2,000.00
Discontinue National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) funding (180.00)
Subtotal 1,820.00
Rehabilitation Services
Home Services FY19 Annualization and FY20 Caseload Growth
(assumes supplemental funding in FY19 base)
Subtotal 23,200.00
Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
Shift of Medicaid liability to HFS MCO coverage (9,816.60)
Subtotal (9,816.60)
DHS Service Providers
Funding related to Minimum Wage Increase;
amount and timing to be negotiated with General Assembly
Subtotal 107,392.60
DHS Operations
AFSCME step increases and annualization (FY16-FY20);
places employees at correct step as of 4/1/19 and includes longevity
DoIT Group Insurance due to payroll shift 9,200.00
Prescription Monitoring Program GRF pickup from federal funds 2,000.00
Integrated Eligibility System (IES) Maintenance 4,000.00
DoIT Projects - IT upgrades and initiatives 6,695.00
Permanent Improvements 4,000.00
Subtotal 87,467.90
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed 4,176,644.40
FY20 Proposed Change over FY19 Estimated Spending with Supplemental 277,613.90