DHS General Funds Walk to DHS FY20 Introduced Budget
(All Numbers in Thousands)
Category |
Amount |
GRF FY19 Enacted Appropriations |
3,819,030.50 |
FY19 Supplemental Needs |
Home Services Program Shortfall - (unfunded Health Insurance of $40M,
unfunded IP Wage Increase of $0.48 an hour
$20M being paid to escrow account per court order, and
$20M in caseload growth and increase in average monthly spending per person) |
80,000.00 |
Subtotal |
80,000.00 |
FY19 Estimated Spending with Supplemental Request |
3,899,030.50 |
Developmental Disabilities |
Ligas Annualization & New Placements - Supports approximately 700 placements |
25,000.00 |
Discontinue St. Mary's Hospital Autism Services |
(500.00) |
3% Increase in Federal SSI monthly benefits - impacts Home Based Services |
6,300.00 |
Subtotal |
30,800.00 |
Family & Community Services |
Early Intervention Liability growth |
7,000.00 |
Childcare Eligibility increase to 200% FPL, effective Jan 1, 2020 |
30,000.00 |
Homeless Prevention Program Expansion |
250.00 |
Discontinue Illinois Collaboration on Youth funding |
(500.00) |
Subtotal |
36,750.00 |
Mental Health |
Williams Annualizations and New Placements |
2,000.00 |
Discontinue National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) funding |
(180.00) |
Subtotal |
1,820.00 |
Rehabilitation Services |
Home Services FY19 Annualization and FY20 Caseload Growth
(assumes supplemental funding in FY19 base) |
23,200.00 |
Subtotal |
23,200.00 |
Substance Use Prevention & Recovery |
Shift of Medicaid liability to HFS MCO coverage |
(9,816.60) |
Subtotal |
(9,816.60) |
DHS Service Providers |
Funding related to Minimum Wage Increase;
amount and timing to be negotiated with General Assembly |
107,392.60 |
Subtotal |
107,392.60 |
DHS Operations |
AFSCME step increases and annualization (FY16-FY20);
places employees at correct step as of 4/1/19 and includes longevity |
$61,572.9 |
DoIT Group Insurance due to payroll shift |
9,200.00 |
Prescription Monitoring Program GRF pickup from federal funds |
2,000.00 |
Integrated Eligibility System (IES) Maintenance |
4,000.00 |
DoIT Projects - IT upgrades and initiatives |
6,695.00 |
Permanent Improvements |
4,000.00 |
Subtotal |
87,467.90 |
Total |
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed |
4,176,644.40 |
FY20 Proposed Change over FY19 Estimated Spending with Supplemental |
277,613.90 |