February 20, 2019 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Planning and Grants Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


February 20, 2019, 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    4th Floor Conference Room
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In: 888-494-4032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
  5. Program Updates
    1. DMC -
      1. DMC annual plan
      2. Winnebago Georgetown Application
    2. JJ Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
      2. Quarterly reports
    3. Compliance Monitoring
      1. Final Report
      2. FY18 YTD
  6. Old Business
    1. Current IJJC membership and recommendations
    2. FY20 NOFOs and Continuing Applications
      1. JJTTAS Continuing Application
      2. JJSI Continuing Application
      3. JJYSP NOFO
      4. JJC NOFO
      5. Bidder's Conference
      6. Recruiting Reviewers and Setting a Schedule
    3. Recommended New Committees/Responsibilities
      1. Membership
      2. Data/Technical Assistance
      3. Outreach
  7. New Business
    1. JMIS Revision Requests
    2. Travel Policy
  8. Legislative Updates
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    P&G March 20, 2019
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order:
    The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am
  2. Roll Call:
    Commissioners: Rick Velasquez, Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, Judge George Timberlake, Shelley Davis, George Hill
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Olivia Wilks, Bex Leon, Samantha Edwards, Berenice Villalobos, Sara Araiza
  3. Approval of minutes:
    January's minutes are from a Full Commission meeting so the commissioners did not vote on the minutes; it was agreed they would be voted on at next Full Commission meeting.
  4. Fiscal Updates---YTD FY19 Spending:
    Wendy Nussbaum indicated that the Commission is spending just under 40% for the year. Slightly behind on average spending; should be around 60%. Expecting spending will end around 80% for the year. There is not money that will be lapsed, all monies from this State Fiscal year will be available going forward.
  5. Program Updates:
    1. DMC:
      1. DMC annual plan:
      2. Winnebago Georgetown Application:
        Olivia Wilks suggested that because of the time of the trip fast approaching, it was best to push the trip until November.
        The Commission discussed the cost of sending the Winnebago cohort to Georgetown. Some Commissioners discussed the possibility of creating a specific NOFO for the trip or other ways of ensuring the county's commitment to this work. Ultimately, the Commission decided to send the Winnebago cohort to Georgetown and would suggest they apply to become a juvenile justice council in the future.
    2. JJ Councils/ JJYSP:
      1. Training and technical assistance:
        Olivia Wilks reported that Commissioner Weiner has developed a Theory of Change document that facilitates sites to assess the logic and capacity of their work. It was agreed that this tool should be explained & provided to future applicants for any Councils and Youth Serving Programs.
        The IJJC and ICOY will develop and present a webinar for potential NOFO applicants to address any questions they might have regarding the application process.
        Olivia Wilks reviewed the site evaluation forms she has developed based off of the new NOFO in an effort to standardize how the commission follows up with the sites next year. More efforts will be made to ensure the correlation of these two documents in the future.
      2. Quarterly reports:
        It was discussed that in terms of quarterly reports, funded Councils will be required to answer questions regarding how they are keeping youth out of system, meeting the needs of youth within the system and getting them out of the system. Lisa Jacobs and other commissioners agreed, that subgrantee goals should align more with IJJC goals and performance reports should reflect these. It was agreed that new NOFOs will require that applicants keep these priorities and goals in mind when they apply for funding. Applicants should also be asked to demonstrate a need for the service they will provide.
    3. Compliance Monitoring:
      No update was given on this.
      1. Final report: No update was given on this.
      2. FY18 YTD: No update was given on this.
  6. Old Business:
    1. Current IJJC membership and recommendations:
    2. FY20 NOFOS and Continuing Applications: 
      Outreach will be done to Public Defender's council, State's Attorneys offices and IAJJC to advise agencies or potential applicants of NOFO posted.
      1. JJ Training & Technical Assistance Continuing Application:
        Wendy Nussbaum stated that JJTTAS will have to submit a continuing application to renew grant.
      2. Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Continuing Application:
        Ms. Nussbaum stated that JJSI by U of I-CPRD will also have submit a continuing application to be renewed.
      3. JJYSP NOFO:
        Lisa Jacobs suggested making the maximum amount available to the youth-serving organizations could be up to $65,000. Wendy Nussbaum stated there will be 10 awards available for youth serving programs. George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs and Julie Biehl stated they could support reviewing the youth-serving organization NOFOS.
      4. JJC NOFO:
        Lisa Jacobs suggested making the maximum amount available to the councils could be $65,000. Wendy Nussbaum stated that there could be more money spent on councils this year. Last year, the commission spent over a million and this year the commission has 1.8 million available to spend.
        Ms. Jacobs asked Wendy Nussbaum if she needed support in reading the NOFOs. Rick Velasquez, George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs and Julie Biehl stated they could support reviewing the council NOFOS. Julie Biehl recommended Dana Weiner also be part of the review committee.
      5. Bidder's Conference:
        Lisa Jacobs asked whether commissioners would want to participate in the bidder's conference. She stated that they have been done in the past but this should be something the commission figures out. Wendy Nussbaum stated commissioners are welcome to attend, but IDHS & ICOY staff is willing to lead this. Commissioners determined that staff can lead this effort.
      6. Recruiting reviewers and setting a schedule:
        Wendy Nussbaum stated that with the goal of the NOFOs going live on March 11th, the commission would have the applications due by April 15th. Lisa Jacobs stated that reviewers would start review the NOFO applications April 22nd.
        Commissioner Lisa Jacobs stated that all commissioners should be supporting on this. Volunteering at this meeting were Lisa Jacobs, Judge George Timberlake, Julie Biehl and Rick Velasquez (Councils only). Other commissioners will be asked to review at next meeting.
    3. Recommended new committees/responsibilities:
      1. Membership:
        Judge Timberlake stated that most of the commissioners want to stay on the commission. He indicated that each commissioner will need to reapply. Judge Timberlake stated that the commission is going to give Governor Pritzker information on current commissioners and asked the commissioners send in mini biographies to put in the letter to the governor.
      2. Data/Technical Assistance:
        No update was given on data and technical assistance.
      3. Outreach:
        No update was given on outreach.
  7. New Business:
    1. JMIS Revision Requests:
      Lisa Jacobs stated that the AOIC wants to go to case data level system through the judicial system which would mean eventually JMIS would become obsolete. She stated they do not intend to do this within the next year, but this will go into effect at some point. It was discussed that Redeploy is currently requesting upgrades and new fields be added in order to gather more precise data. Commr. Jacobs further suggested the commission not discontinue JMIS but rather not invest as much time or money in seeking major changes in JMIS.
      Lisa Jacobs suggested reaching out to Redeploy to determine what their position is on JMIS. Olivia Wilks will reach out to Redeploy to determine what data they are currently seeking and the extent to which JMIS is providing them with this data.
    2. Travel Policy:
      Lisa Jacobs stated that from the $20,000 dollars allocated to administrative affairs, $5,000 dollars were reserved for youth membership. Ms. Jacobs suggested developing a travel policy that addresses commission- funded travel to conferences and meetings.
      Judge Timberlake suggested approval for travel possibly be based on the quality of the request; Ms. Jacobs brought up a first-come first-served policy or placing a cap on each commissioner. Sample policies will be drafted and it was agreed that further detailed discussion is required, and policy will be discussed at a later date.
  8. Legislative Updates:
    Ms. Jacobs stated that there is currently legislation that legislation is pending on the detention of young children. She asked commissioners whether they wanted the commission to support the legislative effort.
    Lisa Jacobs asked commissioners if they supported the commission releasing a report on the detention of young children. Judge Timberlake suggested posting the JMIS information on the website without offering an opinion. This positions was supported all commissioners present.
  9. Public Comment:
    No public comment was given.
  10. Next Meeting:
    The next meeting will a Planning and Grants Meeting that will be held on March 20th, 2019.
  11. Adjourn:
    The meeting was adjourned at 10:57 am.