3. Deliverables/Costs /Payments


The program services, number of individuals to be served, and outcomes are detailed in Exhibit B


The funding level for each program is based upon a Department approved budget for the services detailed in the Program Manual and/or the Provider's request for funding, when applicable. The funding level for each program is shown in Exhibit C.

  • Payments to the Provider are scheduled on a monthly basis.
  • All payments will be reconciled based on submitted documentation.
  • Failure of the Provider to submit documentation may result in a reduction to the total award. In the case of special circumstances, please contact the Department for consideration.
  • The final payment from the Department under this Agreement shall be made upon the Department's determination that all requirements under this Agreement have been completed, which determination shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such final payment will be subject to adjustment after the completion of a review of the Provider's records as provided in the Agreement.