4. Provider Responsibilities

Bureau of Family Nutrition (BFN)
Program Manual FY20

4.  Provider Responsibilities

  1. Commodity Supplemental Food Program
  2. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
  3. WIC Food Center
  4. Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program
  5. Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
  6. WIC Statewide Outreach (Special Project)
  7. SNAP Education
  8. SNAP Outreach

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  1. Provide warehouse facilities for receiving, storing and distributing commodities provided under the CSFP, in compliance with the Illinois Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (410 ILCS 620/1 through 620/26) and other applicable state and federal regulations. The Provider shall also monitor the warehouse operations by observing the receiving, storing, and delivery of commodities to the certification/distribution centers. The warehouse shall ship commodities to the certification/distribution centers based on packing dates, ensuring that the oldest commodities are used first.
  2. Operate certification/distribution of commodities. Client certification files shall be maintained at each established site where commodity distribution occurs. If client certification and commodity distribution cannot be accomplished at each established site, an alternative plan may be used with prior approval from the Department.
  3. Ensure certification/distribution centers have adequate food storage space; health and fire safety codes are being observed; and special requirements for storage and distribution of perishables are met. The certification/distribution centers shall distribute commodities to CSFP clients using the first in -- first out (FIFO) inventory method.
  4. Maintain monthly inventory of commodities per USDA allowable guidelines and maintain monthly inventory reports for the established warehouse facilities. Such reports shall indicate the number of elderly participants receiving commodities, quantities of commodities on hand at the start of the month, receipts, distributions losses, adjustments and inventory on hand at the end of the month.
  5. Collect racial/ethnic participation once a year per USDA requirement.
  6. Operate the certification/distribution centers in compliance with regulations and policies. In conjunction with this objective, the Provider agrees to: maintain client issuance and client certification records in proper order; maintain inventory of food receipt and issuance records in proper order; properly account for the disposal of damaged food; maintain a clean, vermin-free premise; and prepare and implement corrective action plans to address problems found at any certification/distribution center.
  7. Develop and implement nutrition education programs for clients participating in CSFP.
  8. Implement procedures in cooperation with the Department to detect and prevent dual participation within the CSFP.
  9. Implement fair hearing procedures for persons who file statements claiming inappropriate adverse action.
  10. Conduct compliance reviews at distribution sites at a minimum once every two years.
  11. Maintain an adequate accounting and record keeping system which shall include, but not be limited to, appropriate accounting ledgers, copies of all subcontracts, invoices and correspondence that will provide a distinct audit trail for Department and federal auditors.
  12. Provide the Department with written policy and procedures which detail the management and administration of the CSFP.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  1. Provide health screening, certification, food prescription, nutrition counseling, collection of data and retention of records for the provision of WIC services to the assigned caseload of women (pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding post-partum), infants and children.
  2. Serve only residents of Illinois, and within the geographic area defined by the local agency if applicable. Serve members of a designated population with a common special need, including but not limited to homeless, migrant or Native American persons, as defined in the WIC Policy and Procedures Manual. Appointment times should accommodate working families.
  3. Provide safeguards against agency, vendor or participant abuse of WIC program funds or services.
  4. Promote and support breastfeeding for all active WIC pregnant and breastfeeding women per the USDA approved WIC Policy and Procedure Manual.
  5. Provide appropriate referrals to health-related and public assistance programs for active participants per USDA approved policy in the WIC Policy and Procedure Manual.
  6. Conduct a self-monitoring evaluation of operations annually to ensure compliance with WIC Federal and State Regulations and state policies. Provider tools used for self-monitoring must be the State WIC Management Evaluation tool. The Provider must maintain a file of completed self-monitoring evaluation forms for review by state or federal staff.
  7. Ensure the current WIC Management Information System is fully operational and maintained per state standards.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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WIC Food Center

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Provider will operate WIC Food and Nutrition Centers for the direct distribution of WIC food benefits to participants in conjunction with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). The Provider shall provide facilities, equipment and staff to operate WIC food distribution centers in areas specified by the Department.
  2. WIC foods recommended by the Department shall be stocked in sufficient quantities to serve the anticipated client load. Any additional foods must be introduced using the following guidelines:
    1. In cooperation with the Department, the Food and Nutrition Center Program may introduce a USDA WIC approved food product from a manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler as a pilot project. Any prospective product must be presented formally to the Food Center Program. To assist in the primary evaluation of the product, the following information is required:
      1. Current sales volume and distribution
      2. Expected growth of sales based on distribution through the food center
      3. Product distribution and delivery capabilities
      4. Product packaging and overall appeal
      5. Cultural acceptability of product
      6. Any pilot project introduced during a contract year cannot exceed costs greater than 3% of the total budget for a specific food category, i.e. milk, cereal etc.  No pilot project can be approved for the purchasing of Infant Formula.
      7. The approved manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor introducing the product must be in good standing through the Secretary of State of Illinois.
  3. All pilot projects must have an established time frame for the initiation and ending of the project. Prior to conclusion of the pilot project, an evaluation must be conducted to determine the cost benefit and customer acceptance of the product. The evaluation must include but should not be limited to the following criteria:
    1. Customer surveys including preference ratings, volume of product sold compared to projected volume in presentation
    2. Evaluation of Product distribution and delivery capabilities
    3. Cost (relative to other products of the same type) \ Policy for item returns
  4. It is understood and agreed between the parties that all WIC records related to clients, clinics or vendors, which the Department provides to the Provider for purposes of this project, are the sole property of the Department. Release or breach of confidentiality of these records by the Provider may result in the cancellation of the contract.
  5. The Provider may enter into a subcontract with Austin Peoples Action Center for the staffing and routine oversight of the Food and Nutrition Center site located at 5125 West Chicago Avenue.
  6. Payments to the subcontractor shall be limited to actual expenses incurred.
  7. The Provider shall maintain control of and is not authorized to subcontract management of the physical property, administrative oversight, food inventory control or food purchasing functions.
  8. The Subcontractor shall provide the Provider the same reimbursement certification information as required of the Provider by the Department. Such reimbursement certification information from the subcontractor shall be submitted to the Department by the Provider with Provider's monthly documentation of use of grant funds.
  9. Food and Nutrition Center Fruit and Vegetable Program - Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables and provide them through WIC Food and Nutrition Centers, to families served through the WIC Program in the City of Chicago.
  10. The Provider will assist the Department by coordinating workshops, conferences and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) events as determined by the Department.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

Provide specialized breastfeeding education, encouragement and support to pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.  All services listed below are for participants active in the WIC Program only.

  1. Provide home visits, telephone consultations, hospital visits, and lead support groups.
  2. Provide assistance/education with breast pump use and provide outreach to hospitals and physicians on breastfeeding services offered to participants.
  3. Provide safeguards against agency, vendor or participant abuse of Peer Counselor program funds or services.
  4. Integrate/coordinate services with the Family Case Management (FCM) program serving the provider Peer Counselor program recipients.
  5. Comply with requirements in accordance with Illinois WIC Policy and Procedure Manual. Staff must receive breastfeeding training annually, appropriate to their job duties.
  6. Conduct a self-monitoring evaluation of its operations annually to ensure compliance with state policies. Provider tools used for self-monitoring must be the State Peer Counselor Program Evaluation tool. The Provider must maintain a file of completed self-monitoring evaluation forms for review by state or federal staff.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  1. Checks are transported/stored/handled in a secure manner.
  2. Participants receive education on the nutritional value of fresh fruits and vegetables
  3. Participants receive information on their Civil Rights and complaint procedures per WIC policy
  4. Complaints regarding the FMNP are addressed locally or referred to IDHS staff as appropriate in a timely manner. All complaints received should be documented on the "WIC Client Complaint Log" as are other WIC program client complaints.
  5. Close out procedures are handled per Illinois WIC Farmer's Market Nutrition Program policy. Verify log sheets are signed and completed and submit to IDHS. Return any undistributed checks to IDHS by the end of October. Original signature of a copy of the signed log sheets should be kept on file in the local agency office.
  6. Providers will provide training, oversight, monitoring and review of farmers participating in the FMNP per the Illinois WIC Policy and Procedure Manual and the Illinois FMNP Farmer Training Manual. 

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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WIC Statewide Outreach (Special Project)

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to, statewide outreach and education to potential eligible participants on the WIC Program.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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SNAP Education

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to:

  1. Provide nutrition education services to Supplemental Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients.
  2. Provide obesity prevention interventions, projects, or social marketing campaigns.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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SNAP Outreach

Services to be provided include, but are not limited to, outreach and education on the nutritional benefits of SNAP to potential eligible SNAP participants.

Please refer to Exhibit B Deliverables for detailed requirements.

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