VI. Department Responsibilities

A. Referral Process

  1. The Department may refer eligible and appropriate individuals to Downstate Earnfare, Job Placement with Retention, Support Service and Special Project Providers for services using Referral Form (Form 2151 or Form 2151c).
  2. The Department will screen and refer eligible individuals to Cook County Earnfare Providers monthly, using the Earnfare Referral and Attendance Record.  The Earnfare Referral and Attendance Record will specify the number of hours an individual must complete in order to work off the value of their SNAP benefit, and the maximum number of hours for which an individual can participate for cash assistance payments.

B. General Program

  1. The Department will process billings in a timely manner upon receipt and after reviewing the billing for completeness and accuracy.
  2. The Department may verify any or all unsubsidized placements.
  3. The Department will provide Worker's Compensation coverage for each SNAP E&T participant assigned to an Earnfare employer (Cook County, Downstate Earnfare Grantee/ Providers) or to a contracted Work Experience sponsor.
  4. The Department will provide Cook County and Downstate Earnfare with documentation to determine the hours required to work off the value of participants' SNAP benefits.
  5. Department staff will participate in staffings with the Grantee/Provider to review and discuss the status of customers assigned to the Provider using the established staffing protocols and forms discussed in Chapter IV, "Provider and FCRC Meetings".
  6. At its discretion, the Department may remove from a Provider program those participants who demonstrate insufficient progress or a pattern of non-compliance and reassign them to other countable activities.
  7. The Department will assume no liability for the actions of SNAP E&T customers while on assignment.

C. Change Progress Report Form (Form 2151A)

  1. The Department will take action to sanction a participant's SNAP benefits within 48 hours of receiving a Change Progress Report Form (Form 2151A) reporting non-cooperation. Only SNAP benefits will be sanctioned due to a participant's failure to cooperate with employment and training activities.
  2. The Department will use the Change Progress Report Form (Form 2151A) to notify the Provider within 48 hours of cancellation, employment, change in benefit or other case action.