December 19, 2018 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


December 19, 2018, 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    4th Floor Conference room; 4S1
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In:
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
  5. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2019 Schedule Review
    2. DMC
      1. Committee Update
      2. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
      3. DMC Conference
    3. JJ Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
      2. Quarterly reports
    4. Compliance Monitoring
      1. Data
      2. Compliance Manual
  6. New Business
    1. OJJDP
      1. OJJDP training
      2. Category One
      3. Reauthorization of JJDPA and changes to JJDPA
        1. Changes to JJDPA
        2. Conference call with Naomi Smoot, CJJ (tentative)
        3. SAG Membership/Bylaws
    2. FY20 NOFOs
      1. Number needed
      2. January Planning Meeting (set date)
    3. IJOA Conference Proposal
    4. Transitions
      1. Statewide
      2. Commission
    5. Narcan at Detention Centers
    6. Certificate of Compliance 8 USC §1373
  7. Legislative Updates
  8. Public Comment
  9. Next Meeting
    1. P&G/Executive Committee Meeting TBD
    2. P&G/Full Commission Meeting TBD
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order:
    The meeting was called to order at 9:12am.
  2. Roll Call:
    George Hill, Esther Franco- Payne, Judge George Timberlake, Julie L Biehl, Lisa Jacobs, and Rick Velasquez, Ja'Vaune Jackson, Shelley Davis. Quorum present.
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Oliva Wilks, Dick Walsh, Bex Leon, Samantha Edwards, Berenice Villalobos.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Motion: Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve the minutes for the Planning and Grants Committee/Full Commission Meeting on October 17th, 2018. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
    Decision: The board approved the minutes for the October 17th, 2018 Planning and Grants Committee/Full Commission Meeting.
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending:
    YTD Expenditures for DuPage, DeKalb, YOS and CPRD are significantly lower than expected. Commissioner Jacobs suggested doing outreach to these sites to better understand why their spending is behind. Wendy Nussbaum stated that the Commission has three years to spend each federal grant, therefore, 2016 funds will expire in September of 2019. All of 2016 funds have been obligated to a contract.
  5. Program Updates:
    1. Committees 2019 Schedule Review
      Ms. Nussbaum requested dates be finalized for the 2019 meeting schedule. Upon Commissioner Jackson's request, Nussbaum will see if the schedule can be shortened to a six-month schedule.
    2. J Councils/JJYSP:
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
        Olivia Wilkes report that most of the work done this quarter was focused on how to best follow through with the plan created from the last meeting. Ms. Wilkes stated contracts have been solidified with the trainers and a schedule for trainings has been created. She stated Mark Bronke, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, will be doing a webinar on the Restorative Justice (RJ) initiative in Peoria.
        Olivia Wilkes stated site visits will start in January with most of them taking place during January, February, and March.
      2. Quarterly reports:
        Each quarter, Commission-funded sites are required to report to DHS on services and activities completed during the quarter. The provided information is used to complete OJJDP-required reports and should include demographic information for youth served at the sites.
        The provided information will also be used to inform the Commission about the sites and their activities. Commissioner Velasquez asked that DHS staff reach out to the sites for input regarding the reporting format.
        FY19 second quarter performance reports are due January 15th, 2019.
      3. Compliance Monitoring:
        Dick Walsh reported that there were 156-160 violations in FFY17. Some sites have not yet submitted their final reports and he will continue to work with sites to verify and remove violations. He visited Chicago last week and will be visiting St. Clair and Madison in the following weeks.
        Ms. Nussbaum stated that OJJDP has provided guidance stating that the Juvenile Intervention and Support Center (JISC) is not considered a municipal lockup, therefore the jail removal violations do not apply to youth placed there.
  6. New Business:
    1. Reauthorization of JJDPA and changes to JJDPA
      The JJDPA was recently reauthorized with changes to the policy: renamed the Charles Grassley Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program. Also, now created a new focus on data-driven evidence-based or promising prevention programs. OJJDP must now establish a uniform measure of data collection around recidivism. Commissioner Jacobs stated that a universal definition of recidivism benefits IJJC because it reinforces the Commission's role in the dialogue of positive youth outcomes. Several of the changes were discussed at length.
      1. Conference call with Naomi Smoot, Center for Juvenile Justice
        Ms. Smoot stated that JJDPA was reauthorized with new changes and it will go into effect on January 2020. Ms. Smoot stated the new policy allows for more extensive data collection on racial and ethnic disparities (i.e. Hispanic v non-Hispanic data), alternatives to institutionalization be implemented, and school intervention practices be implemented to curtail the school-to-prison pipeline.
      2. SAG Membership/Bylaws:
        Judge Timberlake announced that the maximum age allowed for youth Commissioners was raised to 28 years of age and that there are currently 19 members on the IJJC. He further indicated that the governor will be appointing the majority of the new council.
        Judge Timberlake stated that the Commission is open to suggestions for potential members and is open to doing outreach to members who applied to the Commission in the previous years. Judge Timberlake asked all Commissioners to consider what the Commission was missing and how to best recruit youth to the Commission? Commissioner Biehl and Commissioner Jackson agreed that the Commission has struggled to recruit youth. Commissioner Jackson stated that there is lack of clarity on what the role of youth members is on the Commission and there is a need for an incentive such as pay for youth to want to join the Commission. Commissioner Jackson went on to explain that the SAG is not promoted enough so a lot of potential youth members are unaware of its existence. Mr. Jackson will be assisting in writing a letter to the governor to request changes regarding youth members in the Commission.
        Judge Timberlake suggested recruiting youth in the next two to three months. There will be a committee focused on recruiting adult and youth Commissioners that will include Commissioners Biehl, Jackson and Jacobs as well as Wendy Nussbaum & Olivia Wilkes. They will work on making the application process easier for youth, reach out to youth service programs and DCFS for potential members, and talk to OJJDP on ways the Commission could provide incentives for youth members to join the Commission.
    2. FY20 NOFOs:
      1. Number needed
        Wendy Nussbaum suggested options for how to move forward with the NOFOS. Commissioner Biehl asked whether the Commission should continue to fund the current programs but request they introduce new program plans, open up the NOFO and allow for rebidding (this would help the Commission determine whether to renew funding for programs that are underperforming), or issue a new NOFO where everybody would have the opportunity to compete.
        Commissioner Biehl stated the Commission can either renew CPRD contract as it is, rebid for current deliverables, or expand the JJ system improvement NOFO. The contract for ICOY and JJ programs is in the same position as the CPRD contract. As for JJ councils, the Commission agreed they will not eliminate the NOFO for Councils but would allow for new people and the existing councils to reapply. Judge Timberlake suggested to put the decision regarding CPRD on hold until a new Commission is in place.
        Wendy Nussbaum recommended the Commission not eliminate councils as it would hinder work and progress with agencies and DMC. Ms. Nussbaum requested the Commission make a decision on the options soon, but the presumption is that the decision will be to rebid and allow the new organizations and existing organizations to apply.
      2. January Planning Meeting
        The January planning meeting will be held on January 16th, 2019, it will be a half day meeting. The meeting calendar is still pending.
        During this meeting, it will be decided whether to rebid or renew NOFOs. Wendy Nussbaum stated a new NOFO could be created for DMC. Olivia Wilkes will support in writing the new NOFO if that is the case.
      3. IJOA Conference Proposal:
        The IJOA requested $5000 for their annual conference.
        Motion: Commissioner Jacobs motioned to communicate back to IJOA that the Commission will consider funding if IJOA is willing to include Compliance Monitoring and the Adolescent Domestic Battery Response Protocol their agenda. Judge Timberlake seconded the motion.
        Decision: The Commission approved communicating the wants of the Commission in exchange for funding to the Illinois Juvenile Officer's Association (IJOA).
      4. Transitions:
        1. Commission
          Judge Timberlake announced he will be leaving the Commission. Commissioner Biehl recommended that Commissioner Lisa Jacobs replace Judge Timberlake as chair of the Commission. Commissioner Jacobs responded it would be an honor for her to serve as chair of the Commission, if appointed by the Governor.
          Commissioner Biehl stated that with the new composition of the Commission happening that the Commission should outline a revised role of the Commission, the role of youth in the Commission, and the key issues the Commission wanted to work on its agenda.
      5. Narcan at Detention Centers
        Commissioner Jacobs said there is need to get Narcan distributed at juvenile detention centers. Currently, adult correctional facilities have access to Narcan, but the task force is interested in providing Narcan at juvenile detention centers, providing training on Narcan, and providing access to visitors and staff. The distribution would happen in January.
      6. Certificate of Compliance 8 USC §1373
        Wendy Nussbaum stated that the Commission did not receive any guidance on what they are meant to do regarding the certificate of compliance.
  7. Next Meeting
    The next meeting will be held on January 16th, 2019. It will be a half day meeting.
  8. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm.