April 17, 2019 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 17, 2019, 10:30am to 12:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In:  888-494-4032
    Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
  5. Program Updates
    1. DMC
    2. JJ Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
      2. Quarterly reports
    3. Compliance Monitoring
      1. FFY18 YTD
  6. Old Business
    1. Detention data report
    2. Transfer data report
    3. Youth engagement strategies
      1. Develop youth member recruitment info for inclusion on the IJJC website (and some paper materials)
      2. Prepare an orientation packet for use by new youth members and other new members
      3. Recruit youth members from youth-serving organizations across the state and seek their partnership in supporting youth-member participation
    4. Detention of Youth under age 13
    5. FY20 NOFOs
      1. Overview of submitted NOFO's
      2. Recruitment of Commissioners to Volunteer
      3. Scoring Instructions and Schedule
  7. New Business
    1. Additional FY20 NOFOs
    2. Justice, Equity and Opportunity Initiative
  8. Legislative Updates
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting TBD
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting TBD
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 10:36 am.
  2. Roll Call
    George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, Ben Roe, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, Rick Velasquez, Julie Biehl, Patrick Nelson
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Olivia Wilks, Samantha Edwards, Berenice Villalobos
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Minutes could not be approved because there was not a quorum.
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
    Wendy Nussbaum reported that the DeKalb and DuPage sites are behind in spending. DuPage is requesting a budget revision and will have to submit their revisions by May 1st. Furthermore, Ms. Nussbaum said that the Youth Service Bureau had spent all of their money for the year, CPRD had only spent 36%, and ICOY was on target to spend all of their money. She stated ICOY would be submitting a budget revision. Ms. Nussbaum mentioned that the state will now be putting sites that do not submit their reports on time on the stop payment list. She said this will apply to sites that are two weeks late without good reason.
  5. Program Updates
    1. DMC
      Olivia Wilks stated that she, Samantha Edwards and the Center for Children's Law and Policy (CCLP) conducted their first site visit with Winnebago County. She indicated that CCLP is interested in supporting Winnebago on reducing RED. Ms. Wilks said CCLP will be looking at specific problems impacting Winnebago such as domestic battery, the use of detention of youth, and having youth in detention for long periods of time. All major stakeholders indicated that they are committed to the project and willing to partner going forward.
      Ms. Wilks stated that ICOY has also offered St. Clair County support from CCLP with a focus on school discipline in the county and its contribution to the school to prison pipeline. She indicated St. Clair County is interested but they are currently discussing the opportunity with their council.
    2. JJ Councils/JJYSP
      1. Training and Technical Assistance
        Ms. Wilks suggested that part of the training and technical assistance that CCLP provides will be on topics like DMC and equity. Commissioner Lisa Jacobs suggested that the Commission could bring sites together for a meeting in which CCLP provides this training in a group setting and offers support to sites on their DMC plans.
        Ms. Wilks stated that she completed visits with all of the sites except for SGA. Ms. Wilks reports that the sites are more aware of where inequity exists in their communities, but few have clear strategies to reduce it. She mentioned that Northern Illinois University created a report for Dekalb in which NIU stated that there were only disparities in arrests, but upon closer examination it was clear that arrest is the most disparate decision point, but not the only one. The Commission recommended sending this report to CCLP for review.
        Olivia Wilks reported that Kane County completed the first part of their DMC reduction plan which includes idea generation on why and where DMC exists. However, they do not yet have a clear plan on how to reduce DMC. She said St Clair County's plan uses data effectively and includes DMC reduction activities.
        Rick Velasquez suggested that, moving forward it should be part of the process to develop a larger goal related to DMC including what a jurisdiction believes and why this work is important. He suggested that this focus might guide the work in a stronger way than focusing only on granular efforts.
    3. Compliance Monitoring
      1. FFY18 YTD
        Olivia Wilks stated that in Sangamon County there were 11 incidences of detention for status offenders, but the data was unclear regarding how many youths were detained. Commissioner Bullard indicated that she would reach out to the Public Defender's office in Sangamon to gain an understanding of why this is happening.
  6. Old Business
    1. Detention data report
      Lisa Jacobs stated the detention data report was almost ready to be published and there would be a presentation on it in June.
    2. Transfer data report
      Ms. Jacobs stated that juvenile transfers are low but there have been extended juvenile jurisdiction sentences in Cook County.
    3. Youth engagement strategies
      Ja'Vaune Jackson was not present to give updates on this. Lisa Jacobs reminded the Commission that the youth commissioner age was raised to 28 years and under. She also stated that the commission will provide recruitment packets, recruit youth members across the state, and work on determining how to support youth members to get to the meetings and helping youth understand what their role would be in the IJJC.
      Ms. Jacobs asked ICOY to create the recruitment packet and share it with youth serving organizations. The following are three recruitment efforts Ja'Vaune Jackson recently suggested for incorporating more youth into Commission work.
      1. Develop youth member recruitment info for inclusion on the IJJC website (and some paper materials)
      2. Prepare an orientation packet for use by new youth members and other new members
      3. 3. Recruit youth members from youth-serving organizations across the state and seek their partnership in supporting youth-member participation
    4. Detention of Youth under age 13
      Commissioner Jacobs stated that Rep. Robyn Gabel sponsored House Bill 1468 that prohibits the detention of youth under 13 in the state of Illinois. Furthermore, she reported that DHS has indicated that they will support in the implementation of this bill.
      Ms. Jacobs invited Commissioners to be part of a work group to help figure out the role of IJJC in supporting the bill and support with implementation data. The work group will consist of Commissioners Bullard, Velasquez, Nelson, Timberlake and Jacobs.
    5. FY20 NOFOs
      1. Overview of submitted NOFO's
        Lisa Jacobs reported that the Commission had received nine proposals for programs with only four proposals for councils with all of the council proposals coming from existing sites. She also mentioned that Planning and Grants had created a review plan and timeline for when they planned on completing the review process.
      2. Recruitment of Commissioners to Volunteer
        Ms Jacobs asked the Commissioners if any of them would like to join the review process. Judge Roe stated he would help on the review of council proposals. Jackie Bullard stated she could help on the review process on any of the proposal types.
      3. Scoring Instructions and Schedule
        Commissioner Jacobs stated the Commission will meet on May 22nd, 2019 in order to discuss and make final recommendations on the proposals. She stated that Planning and Grants committee decided it was best for the Full Commission to decide on which proposals, get funded. Scoring instructions will be provided on Monday April 22nd for those that will be reviewing the proposals. In order for this to happen, there will need to be a quorum at the next meeting. Ms. Jacobs indicated that if attendance at the full Commission meeting was not successful then the Executive Committee will vote on the applications.
        Judge Timberlake asked Commissioners if they could commit to attending. Ms. Bullard and Judge Roe responded they would not be able to attend. Patrick Nelson indicated he would be in attendance. Judge Timberlake suggested reaching out to Commissioners via email with a reminder to ensure commitment.
  7. New Business
    1. Additional FY20 NOFOs
      No update was given on additional F20 NOFOS.
    2. Justice, Equity and Opportunity Initiative
      Lisa Jacobs stated that it was too early to discuss this topic but proposed inviting Quinn Rallins to join the IJJC when the commission discussed the topic.
  8. Legislative Updates
    Commissioner Jacobs discussed the House Bill 1482 which will increase penalties for Battery, making aggravated assault of DCFS workers and staff at youth serving programs an Aggravated Battery. Ms. Jacobs stated that this bill would hurt youth in ways similar to how aggravated battery charges have impacted youth in schools.
  9. Public Comment
    No public comment was given at the meeting.
  10. Next Meeting:
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting TBD
    The next P&G/Full Commission Meeting will be on May 22nd, 2019.
  11. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am.