Information Regarding Your FY19 Grant Agreements With DHS/DMH

Dear Grantees,

We want to update you with the following important information regarding your FY19 grant agreements with DHS/DMH.

No FY19 Budget Changes After 3/31/19: Grantees are strongly encouraged to review their approved budget line items for each grant before February 28th, 2019, and determine if you anticipate changes in your planned spending for the FY19 4th Quarter. If so and the change is more than 10% of any line item or $1,000 (whichever is greater), you will need to discuss with your program contact prior to any spending that deviates from the approved budget. If requested changes are approved by DMH, you will be asked to submit your revised budget in CSA and a formal amendment will be executed. DMH does not have the authority to pay for spending that is not within the approved budget parameters. Your quarterly periodic financial reports are compared with your approved budget and payments are adjusted accordingly to be made only for those line items and amounts that are within the approved budget. Change requests will not be considered after 3/31/19.

DHS Stop Pay List Tracking System Now Operational: In compliance with GATA DHS is required to place grantees on the DHS and State Stop Payment Lists for grantees who are considered to be non-compliant with the requirements of the Uniform Grant Agreement. Items of non-compliance include but are not limited to non/late submission of periodic financial or performance reports, year-end reports, corrective action plans for special conditions, as well as failure to maintain the elements of good standing status. An entry of a grantee on the DHS and State Stop Payment Lists will cause all payments for all of the grantee's grant agreements with all State agencies to cease. Notifications that such action may be taken by DHS/DMH will be sent to the Executive Director named in the DHS CSA system. Please ensure that your contact information is current so that any issues can be rectified immediately and potential stopped payments prevented.

We hope that this information helps us avoid any issues with budgets and payments so that we can focus on what is most important - serving our clients. Thank you for the vital services you provide for our clients every day.


DHS Division of Mental Health

Fiscal Operations