DuPage County Continues SNAP ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits in 2019

Illinois Department of Human Services


Policy Memo


  • In 2019, DuPage County continues to be the only county subject to the ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits policy.
  • All other counties in the State continue to be exempt from the ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits policy.

In 2019, non-exempt SNAP customers residing in DuPage County continue to be subject to the ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits policy. The ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits policy limits able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS) residing in DuPage County (regardless of Office of Choice) to 3 months of SNAP benefits in a 3-year fixed period, if the work requirement is not met. The 3-year fixed period began January 1, 2018 and ends December 31, 2020.  See Policy Memorandum, SNAP Work Requirement - ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits Starting 01/01/18, dated 11/30/17. http://intranet.dhs.illinois.gov/onenet/page.aspx?item=98819

All other counties in the State are exempt from the ABAWD Time-Limited Benefits policy. A non-exempt customer who would have to meet the Work Requirement, if the policy was in effect in their county of residence is still required to participate in SNAP E&T where the program operates and provider slots are available.

[Signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

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