DMH Program Contacts

PROGRAM DMH Contact Name DMH Contact Phone Number
121-Juvenile Justice Shelby Cunningham (618) 444-8524
200-Housing Bridge Subsidy Administrators Donna O'Connor (312) 814-3342
215-Housing First PSH Latrice Johnson (312) 965-9892
220-Housing MI Supportive Jimmy White (618) 361-9520
225-Housing Is Recovery Latrice Johnson (312) 965-9892
230-Outpatient Fitness Restoration Zashariya Wright (312) 502-3945
235-Successful Reentry Zashariya Wright (312) 502-3945
400-NSPL National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Ebone Lott (217) 986-1173
401-Suicide Prevention Call Center Enhancement Ebone Lott (217) 986-1173
402-Suicide Prevention First Responders Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
403-Suicide Prevention Call Center Expansion Ebone Lott (217) 986-1173
430-Community Support Team Julia Corral
510-CCCP Cook Crisis Counseling Program Kelvin Oliver (312) 814-8926
510-FDCC FEMA Disaster Crisis Counseling Kelvin Oliver (312) 814-8926
510-FEPP First Episode Presentation Program

Esther Ellison

Yolanda Wilson

(312) 502-4604

(217) 986-1336

510-FFRI Farm Family Resource Initiative Joseph Croegaert (309) 264-8522
510-NAMI Regions Special Mental Health Services Jacqueline Tunson (217) 524-8383
510-RBHA Regions Rural Behavioral Health Access Julia Corral
510-RTLR Regions The Living Room Todd Moody (618) 444-3002
510-SFFD September Flood FEMA Disaster Kelvin Oliver (312) 814-8926
515-AHSP Asian Human Service Program Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-BHLR Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Julia Corral
515-BHWE Behavioral Health Workforce Ed Julia Corral
515-CASS Suicide Prevention Services of America Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
515-CBCP Community Based Counseling & Psychotherapy Esther Ellison (312) 502-4604
515-CFRW City of Chicago First Responders Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
515-CHIS Chicago Survivors Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-CPDM Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
515-ELSM Elyssa's Mission Esther Ellison (312) 502-4604
515-FCTS Wayne/Windfield Area Youth & Family Services Esther Ellison (312) 502-4604
515-FICC Family Service Association of Greater Elgin Area Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
515-IBHP Impact Behavioral Health Partners Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-IHPA Illinois Health Practice Alliance Julia Corral
515-JIFS Juvenile Inpatient Forensic Services Shelby Cunningham (618) 444-8524
515-MOAM Mothers On A Mission 28 Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-RDSP Regions Deaf Special Program Denise Nolden (217) 786-0023
515-RIPS Regions IPS Trainers Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-RMSD Regions Extended MISA Detox Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-TATS Trauma Assessment Treatment Services Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
515-TCCP Thrive Counseling Center Program Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
515-YIGT Youth Individual & Group Therapy Esther Ellison (312) 502-4604
515-YMPH Young Moms Poverty & Homelessness Yolanda Wilson (217) 986-1336
520-Regions Donated Funds Initiative Edmund Garcia (773) 794-4000
574-Psychiatric Medications Denise Nolden (217) 524-1081
575-PATH Grant Latrice Johnson (312) 965-9892
590-Crisis Care System

April Lobley

Ebone Lott

(312) 305-9585

(217) 986-1173

620-MH CILA Jimmy White (618) 361-9520
710-Outreach Todd Fuller (312) 793-2637
720-Drop-In Center Megan Miller-Attang (312) 415-1349
785-Cluster PSH Raul (Ivan) Lopez (312) 814-3342
791-Accessible Housing and Assistive Technology Sandra Brand (312) 502-0347
792-Quality Assurance and Data Analytics Sandra Brand (312) 502-0347
796-Neuropsych Assessments Sandra Brand (312) 502-0347
800-Front Door Diversion Pilot Yasmin Diodonet (872) 273-9453
814-CRSS Success Program Jacqueline Tunson (217) 622-5078
820-Supported Residential Roshaynae Hammond (773) 502-1621
830-Supervised Residential Nancy Reeves (217) 697-9008
832-NGRI Community Reintegration Zashariya Wright (312) 502-3945
834-Jail Based Mental Health Services Dr. Sharon Coleman
840-Reintegration Residential Zashariya Wright (312) 502-3945
850-Comprehensive Class Member Transition Program Sandra Brand (312) 793-7205
860-Crisis Residential Linnie Teagues (312) 533-1438
866-In Home Recovery Support Todd Fuller (312) 793-2637