Members Present: Bryan Dallas (Chair), Matthew Fred, Patika Hackleman, LaDonna Henson, Rahnee Patrick, Shelly Richardson, Melynda McKeever, Alyson Slaughter, Connie Heinz, Michael Predmore, and Kari Wright.
Members Absent: Kristy Giacomini, Matthew Hillen, Matthew Rosenberg, Homer Bizzle, Makenzie Hayden, Consuelo Puente and Prerak Mehta.
DHS/DRS Staff: Francisco Alvarado, Administrator of Operations
DHS Staff: Matt Coyne, Lead Analyst - Innovation, Strategy and Performance
Guest: Ryan Croke, Director - Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL)
March 16, 2018 SRC Minutes
Recorded and Submitted by Francisco Alvarado
Special Guest/Executive Director Ryan Croke/ INCIL:
- Ryan Croke discussed the issue of subminimum wage 14C certificates in Illinois and the Bottom Dollars film being screened by silk & INCIL( one hour long documentary). He shared information on a bill that would ensure that people with disabilities would be paid real wages for real work.
- Ryan indicated that the Issue of minimum wage pay is an opportunity for us to work together he would like Illinois to Join states that have increased community capacity that pay real wages like the State of Marilyn that passed in a bipartisan bill in 2016 to phase out in four years' time all 14C certificates so that all entities can pay real wages. There are 119 C14 certificates in Illinois that can hire approximately 11000 individuals. Ryan is working on a bill to address this issue asked if anyone is interested to join him. Also expressed that there are five states that have made the commitment and suggested that Illinois join these five states moving forward this is an issue of respect and dignity for real pay for real work. Ryan suggested that a one pager be developed for legislators. Brian indicated that it would be a good Idea.
Updates: Vocational Rehabilitation / Francisco
- Bryan presented at DRS leadership meeting / pertaining to the surveys and the quick reference guide. Bryan discussed that he would attend the next supervisors meeting and present on the survey outcomes and Sue Walters would present on the quick reference guide/ a quick reference sheet that would go along with the guide will be developed.
- DRS Wigs are progressing our current placement outcomes are 3474 for the year an increase of 100 compared to last year.
- Bryan asked the questions whether DRS would meet its goal to increase outcomes by 12 % .
- Francisco responded that based on current data DRS will not reach the 12% increase.
Chair update: Bryan
- Bryan reported that he will be attending the CSAVR conference/ it will provide the opportunity to network with other SRC and Identify best practices.He requested ideas from the committee on suggestion on ideas of what he may be requesting information at the conference. Rahnee did not have a request but suggested that he share information.Meet executive committee SRC finalize agenda April 12, Bruce Bendix is not available but Matt Coyne will be do you want Matt to provide and update. The members responded that it would be helpful. Bryan will add Matt Coyne on the agenda for April 12th. Bryan asked if there were any items they wanted to place on the agenda. LaDonna requested that there be time for the committee's to meet.
- Patika indicated that participation has dwindled; she wanted a discussion to see if this can be improved.Bryan indicated that it's always good to look at this issue but we need to understand that the members all have full time jobs. Brian indicated that he needs to check in with the members, he understands that people want to be helpful but if they can't we need to look for others that can participate. Patika wants to discuss this issue any time not necessarily at the April 12 meeting. Brian will reach out to those that had not been participating. Brian asked that committee chairs to reach out to the entire membership. Francisco can help with scheduling phone conferences. Rahnee is thinking with the legislative committee she is planning to contact each member.Bryan indicated that every member is on a committee, he will look at who is on what committee to see if by balancing there participation this can improve member participation.
Committees Report:
Melinda / update /state plan
- Melinda indicated that she sent out the February 23 Webinar/ business engagement, it is a required activity for all members to view. Melinda will send out the spread sheet and power point. She will forward a spread she asked that all SRC members identify two businesses. She would like every council member to send two referrals of businesses that are willing to hire. The dead line is April 13 to come up with two businesses.
- Melinda Submitted the revisions of the unified state plan to Doug Morton at this point she has not heard back from Doug. Rahnee expressed that she appreciated all the work Melinda has done on the annual plan.
- Melynda will review the list in June to see if any of the businesses SRC recommended are on the list DRS list of businesses. Melynda will resend out the webinar video to all members.
- Bryan indicated that this is related to the wigs that VR wants to increase the number of placements by 12%.
Bryan reported for Operations:
- No plan to revise the orientation and policy Manuel since there is no need but it will be reviewed.
- SRC is working on increasing social media exposure for DRS. SRC has been using the DHS existing accounts on social media. The goal has been to send out one face book and tweet post or message a week.
- The Base line we are using is based on the December 2017 data. When we started DHS only had 1000 followers and it increased to 1053 followers currently there are 2900 followers and the DHS linken has also increased.
- Before the SRC started working on the DHS social media account there was very little activity on the DHS social media account this is a great way to get the word out.
Policy legislation / Rahnee Patrick reported
- Reminded everyone that on April 11th the legislative initiative will take place at the capital so get out the word we want to have an exciting event. The Focus is to increase employment for people with disabilities we want to increase activity in the legislature. We need membership of the SRC to be engage with their local legislators to educate them on disability issues.On the 11th please invite key legislatures to come to a morning discussion Matt A. is trying to get a room at the capitol during the meeting the agenda will consist of this discussion I asked Bryan and Ladonna they will provide a snapshot of the surveys and talk about the subminimum wage bill.The focus will be the importance of SRC goals.I will reach out DRS leadership and request that they send me information on how we can help DRS or issues they may have. We want to Go-around the capitol to visit legislators. Also want to show the bottom dollar film if possible. We are invited to incils and silk cocktail hour where legislators are expected to attend they have been invited this would be a great opportunity to develop relations with legislators on disability issues.
- There is a Current Bill that will provide a tax credits for employers that hire people with disabilities that is very important.
- The areas of focus are:
- 1. Impact of a budget that it is passed to help people with disabilities get jobs
- 2. Subminimum wage bill
- Bryan sounds exciting
- Ladonna asked for an agenda for the 11th SRC annual meeting Springfield.
- Matt Abrahamson: updated the committee
- April 11th and the 12th
- Location: Ramada North in Springfield
- Direct Bill /Free parking/ Complimentary continental breakfast/
- Meeting room is at no cost.
- Matt will be sending the RSVP list to Brian for review and follow-up.
- Matt reviewed the current RSVP list.
Stack holders committee
- Ladonna reported she is scheduling a meeting before the 11th
- Working on score card for students and 504 students
- Quick reference guide Sue Walters is attending the supervisors meeting on the 26th
- Bryan and Ladonna spoke with director Wade on the survey outcomes
- The supervisors meeting is taking place in Springfield on the 26th and 27th
- Bryan will check his schedule to see what date is best for him.
- Patika: committee meeting is scheduled for Friday march 23rd
- Francisco will provide conference call number;
Matt Abrahamson indicated that Consuelo's position on the council is linked to the Family Resource Center. Matt will contact Mitchell Phillips.
Blind service Council:
no report
Silk :
no report
Mike Predmore /Outreach initiative / workgroup of the stakeholders committee/
- Mike and Lizette have been working with Mike Scott and John Marchiorio to develop a community events calendar
- DHS/ DRS have a calendar unfortunately it's not being used
- IDES has a calendar/ we want to build collaboration with IDES and possible place a link on the DRS calendar of the IDES calendar
- We hope to work with Community partners to access their calendars and web sites to develop partnerships.
- The level of SRC involvement to get it up and running needs to be determined Mike Scott is planning on coming on the 12th to talk about how the calendar can be managed by SRC and DRS.
- We are planning on starting small may be region 3 since I'm here and Lizette.
- Bryan will place Mike Scott on the agenda for the 12th.
- Effectiveness might be measured thru the internal DRS one net tracking.
New Business / Tania W.
- Indicated that DCEO is also building a calendar this may be an opportunity to collaborate
- Shared information non supported employment.