MR #18.15: ABE Appeals Portal Update

 Illinois Department of Human Services



  • As a result of an internal review of the appeals process, the link for the ABE Appeals Portal is being added to:
    • the Policy Manual (PM 01-07-02);
    • the Request for Cash Assistance - Medical Assistance - Supplemental Nutritional Assistance (SNAP) (Form IL444-2378 B); and
    • the Appeals and Fair Hearings for Those Receiving Cash, SNAP or Medical Assistance (DHS 377) (R-05-18).
  • The ABE Appeals Portal provides customers/authorized representatives with a convenient and efficient way to file an appeal on-line by using the client facing portal.  It also minimizes the paperwork for both the customer and the FCRC. 
  • The ABE Appeals Portal will allow customer/authorized representative to:
    • manage their appeal;
    • submit requests directly to the Bureau of Hearings such as continuances and withdrawals; and 
    • upload documents such as representative forms, Powers of Attorney and exhibits for their hearing.
  • All correspondence from the Bureau of Hearings will be available in the ABE Appeals Portal including the Final Administrative Decision.
  • A person can file an appeal: 

ABE Appeals

The internal review of the appeals process resulted in updates to the Policy Manual and specific forms/brochure regarding how a person can file an appeal by utilizing the ABE Appeals Portal.  The ABE Appeal Portal provides customers/authorized representatives with a convenient and efficient way to file appeals as well as minimizing paperwork.  The ABE Appeals Portal will allow users to file and manage appeals.  All correspondence from the Bureau of Hearings will be available in the ABE Appeals Portal, including the Final Administrative Decision.  Using the ABE Appeals Portal does not replace a customer's/authorized representative's right to file an appeal by facsimile (fax), mail, in person at the Bureau of Hearings (BAH) or at any FCRC. 

Form Revisions

The Request for Cash Assistance - Medical Assistance - Supplemental Nutritional Assistance (SNAP) (Form IL444-2378 B) will be revised September 2018.

The Appeals and Fair Hearings for Those Receiving Cash, SNAP or Medical Assistance (DHS 377) is revised.

Manual Revisions

[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms Referenced:

IL444-2378 B

DHS 377