Effective Date: 07/01/00
Revised 11/9/21, 12/21/21, 07/01/22, 7/1/24
Reference: Child Care Payment Rate Chart; Rate Certification Form; Cross Reference: 01.04.02 - School Age Children
Policy Statement
A licensed child care provider or license-exempt child care center must notify the Department or its Agents of their published payment rates by completing a IL444-4469 - Child Care Rate Certification Form (pdf) or IL444-4469 S - Certificación Para Tarifa de Cuidado de Niños o Guardería (pdf) whenever one or more of the following conditions apply:
- annually, for a Site Administered Child Care Provider upon renewal of a contract;
- upon a change in licensing status (i.e. a change from license-exempt home provider to a licensed day care home provider);
- to report a rate change that does not exceed the current CCAP rate.
Maximum Daily Rates
- Maximum Daily Rates
- The rates listed in this section's Payment Rate Chart are the maximum rates that the Illinois Department of Human Services will pay according to the provider type, County and length of time each day care was given.
- Use the part-time rate if the care is provided for less than 5 hours per day.
- Use the full-time rate if the care is provided from 5 through 12 hours per day.
- If the care provided is more than 12 hours but less than 17 hours in a day, use the full day rate for the first 12 hours of care and the part day rate for the remainder.
- If the care provided is from 17 to 24 hours in a day, use the full day rate for the first 12 hours and a full day rate for the remainder.
- Rate Changes
- IDHS will notify CCR&Rs and CCAP providers any time the maximum daily rates will be changed.
- If a provider is approved with a rate lower than the CCAP maximum, they can submit a Rate Certification Form (IL444-4469) at any time to increase their rate.
- Providers can also submit a Rate Certification form to reduce their daily rates at any time.
- Providers have 60 days to submit a rate certification form following an increase in CCAP reimbursement rates.