Illinois Taskforce on Employment and Economic Opportunities for People with Disabilities Agenda (6/7/18)

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Meeting Agenda - June 7, 2018

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Harris Building
100 South Grand Ave East
Springfield, IL
Executive Video Conference Room, 3rd Floor

Clinton Building
401 South Clinton
Chicago, IL
Executive Video Conference Room, 7th Floor

Telephone Option: Conference Line: 515-604-9341,571034

  1. Welcome & Approval of March Meeting Minutes (5 minutes)
  2. Updates from the March meeting (10 minutes)
  3. Taskforce Membership & SB1453 New Requirements (30 minutes)
  4. Monthly Check-Ins with Committees & Workgroups (15 minutes)
  5. Workgroup Reports (50 minutes)
    1. Provider
    2. Employer
    3. Workforce Development
    4. Transitions
    5. Legislative
  6. Environmental Scan of Statewide Education Initiatives & Partners (20 minutes)
  7. Wrap-Up and Next Steps (10 minutes)