02.06.01 - Attendance Exemptions

Effective Date: 01/05/01

Revised: 1/20/12; 6/10/13, 11/8/21, 12/15/21, 05/01/22

Reference: 06.03.01 - 70% Attendance Rule 

Policy Statement

To lessen the financial impact of extraordinary events which are beyond the control of child care providers, licensed child care centers may apply for a Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) Attendance Exemption when these events result in substantially less than normal attendance or closure.


These procedures apply to:

  • Licensed child care centers paid through the IDHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).


  • An extraordinary event is described as:
    • a natural disaster, such as a tornado or flood;
    • a mechanical breakdown, such as a boiler breakdown, electrical outage, frozen water pipes, etc., which is of long enough duration to inhibit services;
    • a snowfall such that schools, offices, and/or industries are closed for the day;
    • an epidemic such as chicken pox, flu, common cold, head lice, COVID-19, or other infectious disease outbreaks;
    • other extraordinary circumstances which will be individually examined by the DHS Bureau of Subsidy Management Policy Unit.
  • Substantially less than normal attendance: 
    • Days when 50% or more of the children approved for the Child Care Assistance Program are absent.
    • Days the provider must close due to an extraordinary event


Attendance Exemption Request form: IL444-4338 (pdf) 


  1. All Attendance Exemption Requests will be authorized through the IDHS Bureau of Subsidy Management Policy Unit.
  2. All inquiries regarding a Attendance Exemptions shall be referred to the IDHS at DHS.CCAP.AER@Illinois.gov .
  3. All notification of  Attendance Exemption shall be within 10 days before sending Attendance Exemption to  DHS.CCAP.AER@Illinois.gov.
  4. Attendance Exemption approval does not require providers to charge their private pay families for the days that are being exempted.
  5. To receive an Attendance Exemption, a child care provider must complete the Attendance Exemption Request form (IL444-4338) per the included instructions and email the form and supporting documentation to DHS.CCAP.AER@Illinois.gov .
  6. Documentation must support the reason for low attendance or closure, such as:
    1. Repair/work order for mechanical/water/electric breakdowns.
    2. Newspaper article of schools being closed due to weather.
    3. Statement from a public health department.
  7. The CCAP Policy Unit will:
    1. Review the Attendance Exemption Request form and supporting documentation;
    2. Contact the provider if there is any missing information or questions;
    3. Sign and date the form, marking either "Approved" or "Denied" and return to the provider.
  8. Providers must finish completing the form as instructed. 

Attendance Exemption Request form: IL444-4338 (pdf) 

  1. If approved, the requested eligible days will be paid.
  2. If denied, the payment will be based on attended days only.
    • NOTE: Providers who report monthly attendance of 70% or more may be eligible for payment based on 100% of eligible days as stated in CCAP Policy Section 06.03.01 - 70% Attendance Rule.
  1. Providers must attach the approved Attendance Exemption Request form to the Child Care Certificate or Monthly Enrollment Report (MER) when submitting to the CCR&R or IDHS for payment.