The following is meant to provide guidance to the basic steps you must complete to become a CILA provider. The links provided take you to more detailed information and/or instructions for that particular step.
***Providers cannot complete enrollment steps until a notice of a provisional license is received from BALC.***
A typed cover letter describing the services that your agency plans to provide. The letter should also include the name, phone number and email address of individuals that DDD Provider Enrollment should contact if there are questions about your enrollment information IRS W-9 (Taxpayer Identification number and certification)Please review the IRS W-9 guidelines to ensure that the form has been completed accurately:DDD will notify you when your W-9 has been certified by the Comptroller Provider Information Form (IL462-1246); (Complete only General information Part A on the first page) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Registration Request Form Community Provider User ID and System Access Request (IL444-2022). (Under system access requested choose: Mobius, DDD reports, FTP Transmissions, eRIN, and under other write ROCS) You will receive an email from Do IT (our technology division)that gives you a user ID for system access. You may want to submit more than one person so you have a backup. Copy of your agency's CILA license and/or Day Services certificate Copy of the IRS Employee Identification Number (EIN) assignment letter (only if your agency is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) with the Partnership tax classification or Single Member LLC) Copy of the IRS acceptance letter verifying that the IRS has accepted the vendor's request to be considered a corporation. (Only if your agency is a Limited Liability Company with the C corporation or S corporation tax status) Copy of your Not for Profit IRS determination letter (only if you are not for profit)
Required Background Checks and Clearances
There is a webinar that discusses the various background checks. "Required Background Checks and Clearances and Web Portal Instructions" found at: Required background checks webinar
The following are checks that must be completed on all employees: Required Criminal background checks
Staff training Billing and Reimbursement Process Staff Training Reimbursement Manual
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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