How to get to this page - Select a student from the Student List or conduct a student search on the Home page.
All student specific STEP tasks can be performed from the Case Summary page.

Menu Item |
Description |
Case Summary |
Returns to the Case Summary page from any page in the case. |
Student List |
Closes the case and returns to the Student List. |
To Do List |
Closes the case and lists all reminders for all students. |
Case Search |
Closes the case and displays the case search page. |
Case Notes |
Lists all STEP related Case Notes for the case. |
Case To Do List |
Lists all current reminders for the case. |
STEP Detail |
Displays the details of the STEP program for the case. |
Transition Services |
Allows the selection of transition services for the case. |
Employment/Placement |
For entry of Employment which is the first step in building a Work Site Agreement. |
Work Site Agreements |
Used to connect a student to a work site and enter timesheets to track student progress. |
Customer |
Any changes to customer information must be done on this page. |
Physicians |
The student's physician(s) information is entered and edited here. |