Case Summary

How to get to this page - Select a student from the Student List or conduct a student search on the Home page.

All student specific STEP tasks can be performed from the Case Summary page.

All STEP tasks can be performed from the Case Summary

Menu Item Description
Case Summary Returns to the Case Summary page from any page in the case.
Student List Closes the case and returns to the Student List.
To Do List Closes the case and lists all reminders for all students.
Case Search Closes the case and displays the case search page.
Case Notes Lists all STEP related Case Notes for the case.
Case To Do List Lists all current reminders for the case.
STEP Detail Displays the details of the STEP program for the case.
Transition Services Allows the selection of transition services for the case.
Employment/Placement For entry of Employment which is the first step in building a Work Site Agreement.
Work Site Agreements Used to connect a student to a work site and enter timesheets to track student progress.
Customer Any changes to customer information must be done on this page.
Physicians The student's physician(s) information is entered and edited here.