June 7, 2018 Task Force on Developing Opportunities for Youth and Young Adults Who are Jobless and Out-of-School *Policy, Program and Finance Committee

Policy, Program and Finance Committee


Members of the Statewide Task Force and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


June 7, 2018
2:30pm to 3:30pm


  • Conference Call in:888-330-9549/Code:230540#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Review of Minutes from May 10th meeting
  4. Discussion about key search words for program, policy, and financing areas 
  5. Other
  6. Next Meeting
    June 28, 2018 
  7. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting called to order by Jack Wuest
  2. Roll Call

    Sheila Venson, Youth Connection Charter School; Jack Wuest, Alternative Schools Network; Caitlyn Barnes, ICCB; Aaron Hacker, IDHS (for Karrie Rueter); Grace Tran.  Not on call: Andrew Wells, Chicago Urban League (vacation); Kenneth Martin Ocasio, Aunt Martha's; Katie Kelly, Peoria Police Department for Senator Chuck Weaver, 37th District; Senator Chuck Weaver: Karrie Rueter, IDHS; Karina Ayala-Bermejo, IDPL; Sheila Venson, Youth Connection Charter School; Demarr Smith - THRIVE; Paul Vallas, CSU; David Whittaker, CAP; Reyahd Kazmi, NYAP; Micaela Vargas - Commissioner Bridget Gainer. 

  3. Review of Minutes
    May 10th meeting.
    Motion to approve the minutes - Sheila Venson made a motion to approve. Motion seconded - Caitlyn Barnes seconded the motion. Minutes approved. 
  4. Key search words for programs, policy, financing
    1. Key words to research were provided to the group.
    2. Caitlyn Barnes: States and national published documents may not contain these exact key words. Very broad results. If we narrow it down to these terms it may be more helpful: bridge, integrated education and technology, adult ed - make a formal data request for ICCB.
    3. Jack Wuest: we want to find program models and designs, and then policies that have promoted that for re-enrolled students, older youth, young adults, and the financing that people have come up with. Jack will call John Dorrer in Maine to learn more about financing options. NY has been using TANF money for summer jobs.
    4. Sheila Venson found a compilation of out of school youth programs, evaluations and lessons learned, from Department of Labor and Department of Education - from 2005 to present. Documents the evaluations of YouthBuild and JobCorps, other federal programs.
    5. National Youth Employment Coalition - financing for out of school youth/employment. Jack will track down the report.
    6. Seattle has done a lot of programming for kids out of school.
    7. California: Phil Matero, Conservation Corps, combination programs of YouthBuild with charter schools.
    8. Sheila: Funding from Gates (2005, 2007), evaluation and summary material is on the Jobs for the Future website. Gates - funded re-enrollment centers (Dan Grego). There were other re-enrollment-oriented models set up in Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, and maybe Georgia. Sheila will send info.
    9. Jack will call national organizations (cities, state legislatures, etc.) to brainstorm programs and design.
    10. GED, high school completion, retrieval.
    11. Program design driven by policy, how to finance.
    12. Caitlyn will send Grace an email on how to retrieve data and reports from ICCB's website.
    13. Sheila has been collecting research over the past couple of years and will review her archives.
    14. Jack will talk to Immigrant Coalition on employment.
    15. Sheila: Businesses in need of more workers, willing to train, but workers need a certain technical skill set. 12th grade reading, math - non-negotiable - testing to sort. Drug testing. Ambulance workers - need a certain level of reading in order to interpret patient charts.
    16. Caitlyn: BRIDGE program or Adult Basic Education - it's a pathway through stages of their education certification. Students who aren't ready to start in certification programs could start in BRIDGE. Program is for a variety of people - adult ed population lacking credentials, basic skills, English Language Proficiency - anyone who would qualify for adult ed population. On ICCB website - funded providers are listed; locator tool.
    17. Job development, skill training, etc. for TANF recipients. Aaron: It would go through the DHS workforce & training office - LaTanya Law-Fountain
  5. Other
    1. Report - Great Cities Institute released a report from May 14. Jack will send it out.
    2. Hearings - recap and upcoming. Gathering information on education and employment opportunities.
      1. May 14 - a hearing in Granite City that had 50 to 60 people.
      2. June 25 - South Suburbs of Chicago
      3. July 19 - Peoria
      4. August 7 - Mt. Vernon
  6. Next Meeting

    The next Program, Policy, and Finance Committee meeting will be a call-in meeting on Tuesday, July 10 at 2:30pm at this number - 888-330-9549, use code 230540#.

  7. Adjournment
    Motion to adjourn - Aaron Hacker made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded - Jack Wuest seconded the motion. All in favor, Meeting adjourned.