Western FCRC Address and Name Change (201)

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Information Memo


Effective June 29, 2018, in order to provide better customer service the following will occur:

  • The Western FCRC will have a name and an address change;
  • The Western FCRC will be named the Ogden FCRC;
  • The Ogden FCRC address will be 3920 W. Ogden Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60623;
  • The Ogden FCRC phone numbers will remain the same: phone (773) 522-8370, Nextalk (866) 439-3716, fax (773) 522-8214; and
  • The office will remain as Office 201.
  • July 2, 2018, will be the opening day of the Ogden FCRC.
  • A copy of the client notice announcing these changes is attached.

The Western FCRC has undergone major renovation. As a result, the main entrance to the Western FCRC has been relocated giving the office a new address. The County Office Number 201 as well as the office phone numbers will remain the same. In order to provide better customer service, the Western FCRC has been renamed the Ogden FCRC. Copies of the CN 18.04/CN 18.04S (pdf) are attached.

[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms Referenced:

CN 18.04/CN 18.04S