IMHPAC Meeting Minutes - January 11th, 2018

Attendees in Chicago:

John Shustizky, Andrea Cooke, Ray Connor, Irwin Kerzner, Ron Melka, Margo Roethlisberger, Anne Irving, Brenda Hampton (DMH-guest)

Attendees in Springfield:

Lisa Betz, Lee Ann Reinert,

Attendees by Telephone:

Mary Ann Abate, Terry Carmichael, Cindy Daxenbichler, Brock Dunlop, Joanne Furnas, Diana Knaebe, Nanette Larson, Emily Miller, Pearl Madlock, Dan Silbert, Amy Starin

Call to Order:

The Meeting was called to order by Andrea Cooke at 12:33 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Ron Melka moved to approve with the November 2, 2017 Minutes as presented, seconded by Cindy Daxenbechler. Motion Passed.

NOTE: March 1st Meeting will start at 1:00 p.m. because the room is not available until then.

Division of Mental Health Report

It was reported that they have moved forward with the Block Grant set aside focus on early serious mental illness. They have shared with all their providers that they may include a service provision to individuals that either have either a bi-polar disorder with psychotic features, a major depressive disorder with psychotic features, or a PTSD diagnosis that has some psychotic symptoms within the first 18 months so they can include into data as people are being served by the team. The change was made January 1st. Providers are starting to work on marketing and research materials.

(Brenda-DMH): Provided an update on Williams & Colbert Consent Decrees. Regarding the Colbert transition for FY'17, they transitioned a total of 428, which gives them a cumulative total of 1,926. 47% of those transitions were for individuals with serious mental illness. Under the Williams Consent Decree the transition total is 2,108. For Williams they did a quarterly benchmark. FY'18 Target is 400 people transitioned. So by December it should have been 200. As of yesterday, we have only achieved 125 transitions. They are trying to figure out with Williams & Colbert what is occurring on a community level. As of today, 145 class members transitioned from the IMD's into supervised residential beds. Court monitor officially started in December. Diana said there may be a conflict in March with the Williams meeting timing wise for planning.

Lee Ann reported that after the most recent Block Grant Survey, we have not done a Satisfaction Survey as a state in a few years, which is a requirement for Block Grant dollars. We are in the process of getting the survey out. She reported that a recent statutory law change related to the mental health code that allowed youths between the ages of 12 and 18 to receive five 45 minutes sessions without parental consent or notification and now the law just changed to 8 sessions with 90 minutes each. They hope to have the survey completed by March.

John asked about SAMSA update, but currently there is no new news at this time.

It was reported that Illinois will be included in a Grant for Technical Assistance in the Learning Community. The kick off meeting for this is next week and will know more after that time. John and Andrea participated in a similar activity last year and hope to finalize who will be a part of this process. The hope is that this opportunity would give us consultation around rejuvenating our Council and membership and getting us back on track.

Brock Dunlap, from DMH, gave budget and reimbursement summary. The Governor will give his budget address on February 14th which will give more insight on his proposed budget being presented to legislature to pass for FY 19. Not a lot of detail to share at this time. A lot of the money will be budgeted in blocks there is need to look at how to integrate thoughts and comments from this group into their budget work and asked if that there is any current funding that this group feels would be better directed to a larger need and how to spend discretionary money if there is any. John said the Council will work on this. Andrea asked about smaller amount of money for a Retreat. John said we are hoping that there can be some resolution to having a small fund available to support Council participation for those who represent the perspective of their own or a family member lived experience and who are not otherwise compensated for their time and travel.

Diana gave an update on a Front Door Pilot with Williams looking at individuals that present at the emergency rooms at hospitals for PAS screens that might end up in nursing homes or SMHRFs. Looking at having at the end of the month an RFI out to 6 identified counties in the state that have some of the largest referrals for persons with a mental illness or who may stand trial that are in jail. Ray offered that IMD's or SMHRFs might be good regarding this. Lee Ann said this is on the radar and is being explored.

Discussion was held regarding President Trump's Medicaid stipulations being addressed and a possible revised version of 1115.

IHFS Report:


Committee Reports:

* Development:

Ron reviewed the updated roster of committee members and there was discussion on who was able to be notified, who confirmed their continue attendance and who was yet to be contacted and/or replied. Three members: Matt Perry, Joanne Furnas and Susan Schroeder were discussed. The full membership moved that that Susan Schroder and Joanne Furnas be elected to serve as member on IMHPAC Council, Motion Carried. Ron Melka, as Chair, moved that Matt Perry be elected to the Council, seconded by Pearl Madlock. Carried.

Conflict in wording was noted in By-laws. The Development Committee will make the word change in Article 5, Section 2. from Committee to Council. The Development Committee will make change and send out to members and it will be proposed as By-Law change to Council at the March 1st meeting (to be sent out 30 days prior) and noted on next Agenda. The election of officers will be voted on at March 1st meeting. The reelection of members will be reviewed. It was noted that only 2 official people from DMH are voting members: Lee Ann Reinert and Nannett Larson. DMH non-voting resource individuals are Dan Silbert and Irwin Kerzner.


* Children & Adolescents:

No Report

* Adult In-Patient:

Andrea asked members to refer the report that was enclosed in our packets. The Adult Inpatient Committee recommends that DMH should be partnering with the criminal justice system to create a jail diversion program in Illinois instead of the system we have that provides services to persons who are incarcerated. It is recommended.

The Child and Adolescents committee trying to schedule the next meeting for February 16th.

New Business

No New Business reported.

Public Comment:

Andrea reported that no Public Comments were made.


Motion to adjourn was made. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:06.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Furnas