MR #18.07: Increase in Asset Limit for Qualifying Member SNAP Units with Income Over 200% FPL, or with IPV or Sanctioned Unit Members and Other Policy Updates

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  • Effective October 2017, Federal law provides for an increase in the asset limit from $3,250 to $3,500 for SNAP units with a qualifying member.
  • The asset limit remains unchanged for all other households at $2,250.
  • The IES system changes are effective 10/01/2017.

Reminder - Categorically eligible SNAP units do not have to meet the asset test.

  • Policy Manual has been updated to reflect a change in processing timeframes for expedited SNAP applications (02-08-02-b).
  • Policy Manual has been updated to reflect that the FCRC will no longer issue tokens for a public bus.

  1. Increase in Asset Limit
  2. SNAP units without QM
  3. SNAP Expedited Timeframes
  4. FCRC
  5. Manual Revisions

Increase in Asset Limit

Effective October 2017, Federal law provides for an increase in the asset limit from $3,250 to $3,500 for SNAP units with qualifying members (PM 05-06-01).

The $3,500 asset limit applies to qualifying member SNAP units whose gross income exceeds the 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL), or qualifying member units with a member sanctioned for an intentional program violation or sanctioned for failure to comply with a work provision. These households are not categorically eligible (PM 05-07-00) for SNAP and must meet the asset test (PM 07-04-01).

SNAP units without QM

For non-categorically eligible SNAP units without a qualifying member, the asset limit remains unchanged at $2,250.

SNAP Expedited Timeframes

The first day of the processing an Expedited SNAP application should be the work day following the date of application (PM 02-08-02-b).


The FCRC's will no longer issue tokens for a public bus (PM 20-22-02-b)

Manual Revisions

PM 02-08-02-b

PM 07-04-01

PM 20-22-02-b

WAG 25-06-05-f

[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services