Clinical Administration & Program Support - All Funds

BY19 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds


Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $8,544.8 $8,544.8 $8,544.8
Social Security $653.7 $653.7 $653.7
Subtotal $9,198.5 $9,198.5 $9,198.5
Contractual $380.3 $380.3 $380.3
Contractual/Private Hospitals $1,594.6 $1,594.6 $1,594.6
Travel $43.7 $43.7 $43.7
Commodities $9,195.1 $9,195.1 $9,195.1
Printing $24.4 $24.4 $24.4
Equipment $794.4 $794.4 $794.4
Telecommunications $33.5 $29.9 $63.4 ($29.9) $33.5
Medicare Part D - MHF $1,507.9 $1,507.9 $1,507.9
Support Services $9,043.8 $9,043.8 $9,043.8
Drugs & Costs Associated with Pharmacy Svcs $12,300.0 $12,300.0 $12,300.0
Implement Firearm Conceal & Carry $2,500.0 $2,500.0 $2,500.0
Federally Assisted Programs $6,004.2 $6,004.2 $6,004.2
Subtotal $43,421.9 $29.9 $43,451.8 ($29.9) $43,421.9
Total Appropriation $52,620.4 $29.9 $52,650.3 ($29.9) $52,620.4

CY Adjustments

CY Adjustments Description Amount
Telecommunications Increase to cover FY2017 remaining liabilities $29.9

BY Adjustments

BY Adjustments Description Amount
Telecommunications Elimination of one time spending ($29.9)