GRF Walk-Up

DHS General Funds Walk to DHS FY19 Introduced Budget

Category Amount (thousands)
GRF FY18 Enacted Appropriations (includes $100M from 644 fund)
Adjusted FY18 Appropriations Base
DASA Medicaid estimated Lapse due to decrease in liability (10,000.00)
DASA Addiction Treatment lapse based on estimated spending (8,000.00)
MH Grants lapse based on estimated spending (25,000.00)
HSP Rate increase lapse due to not implementing IP hourly wage increase (10,000.00)
TANF lapse based on estimated spending (20,000.00)
Child Care 644 Fund Lapse due to decrease in liability (100,000.00)
FY18 Programs operating at Management Level less than Enacted
Funeral & Burial (3,271.60)
Immigrant Integration Services (445.10)
Best Buddies (72.10)
ARC of Illinois (34.80)
Autism Project (317.10)
Epilepsy Grants (153.10)
Addiction Prevention Services (48.30)
Redeploy (4,000.00)
Supportive Housing to Management Level (671.50)
Children's Place to Management Level (28.10)
Youth Employment to Management Level (3,421.10)
Westside Health Authority Services (521.60)
Homeless Prevention Services (51.30)
Community Services (275.90)
After School Youth Programs (6,994.80)
Infant Mortality (497.00)
Shift Emergency Food to other funding source (215.40)
Shift Teen Parent Services to other funds (1,394.80)
Shift SSI Advocacy to other funding source (1,286.50)
Lapsing Migrant Worker Match (18.40)
Continued discontinuation of Welcoming Centers funding (1,499.00)
Continued discontinuation of ELDA program funding (1,200.00)
FY18 Estimated Spending before Supplemental Request
CMS Prior Year Liabilities
CMS Prior Year Liability 93,000.00
DHS Operations Underfunding (FY17 carry over) 4,800.00
FY18 Estimated Spending with Supplemental Request
Eliminate one time funds for CMS Prior Year Liabilities (93,000.00)
Eliminate one time funds for DHS FY17 carry over for operations (4,800.00)
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse
Reduction in DASA Medicaid liability related to statewide rollout of MCO coverage (6,144.50)
Developmental Disabilities
Ligas Annualization & New Placements - Supports 828 placements 21,000.00
FY19 $0.50 DSP Wage Increase 31,000.00
Annualization of the FY18 $0.75 DSP Wage Increase 7,300.00
One-time GRF shift to 142 Fund (15,000.00)
Shift Dental Grant Funding to DD Grants & PoC line (986.00)
Family & Community Services
Early Intervention 3,000.00
Child Care Liability Increase 33,917.50
Discontinue Health Insurance for Child Care providers (20,000.00)
Phase-in of Child Care Background Checks (5,000.00)
City of Chicago contract reduction to actual liability (5,000.00)
TANF Liability estimate less than FY18 appropriation level (9,569.30)
Infant Mortality Liability less than FY18 appropriation level (1,803.00)
Mental Health
Reduction in MH Medicaid liability related to statewide rollout of MCO coverage (19,914.80)
Discontinue FY18 3% Increase on MH Medicaid Rates (3,511.60)
Rehabilitation Services
Discontinue Health Insurance for Individual Providers (35,900.00)
Discontinue funding for the Individual Provider and Homemaker FY18 wage increases (2,695.80)
Reduction in HSP liability related to statewide rollout of MCO coverage (3,817.40)
DHS Operations
Permanent Improvements shift from fund 050 1,000.00
PS & F Annualization 8,237.40
DoIT Costs for Group Insurance and Retirement 19,000.00
IES Projects 20,000.00
DoIT Rate Increases 2,625.70
Delay DoIT project implementation (5,721.00)
Shift GATA funding to another source (803.90)
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Governor's Proposed
FY19 Proposed Change over FY18 Estimated Spending w/o Supplemental