Community Alternatives of Illinois

Case # (*) Summary

Self-Report or


Date of

Incident Discovery

Date Reported

to OIG

Date OIG

Report Issued

Written Response

Due Date

Date Written

Response Received


Approval Date (**)

1018-0107 (pdf) Accused hit the victim in the head with a mop handle, dragged her across the floor, then struck her repeatedly in the face. Self-Report 9/3/17 9/3/17 1/4/18 2/3/18 2/20/18 2/22/18 (pdf)
1018-0167 (pdf) Accused slammed the victim to the ground and punched him in the nose, then swore at him. Self-Report 10/18/17 10/18/17 2/28/18 3/30/18 3/14/18 3/14/18 (pdf)
1018-0179 (pdf) Accused left the home without relief, leaving three victims alone and unsupervised. Self-Report 10/31/17 10/31/17 1/11/18 2/10/18 2/20/18 2/28/18 (pdf)
1018-0436 (pdf) Accused, with her hands balled up into fists, lunged at the victim, attempting to provoke her. Self-Report 4/16/18 4/16/18 6/27/18 7/27/18 7/9/18 7/9/18 (pdf)
1117-0207 (pdf) Accused cursed at and physically restrained the victim by placing him in a headlock while another accused held the victim's legs. Complaint 11/17/16 11/17/16 1/4/18 2/3/18 2/11/18 2/13/18 (pdf)
1117-0321 (pdf) Two accused encouraged two individuals to attack a third individual thought to have stolen money from one of the accused. Complaint Unknown 2/1/17 2/7/18 3/9/18 3/27/18 3/28/18 (pdf)
1118-0067 (pdf) Agency failed to provide adequate care to the victim by not having an effective policy for medication refills, allowing a substantial increase in the victim's behavioral episodes. Complaint 8/24/17 8/24/17 6/13/18 7/13/18 7/26/18 7/27/18 (pdf)
1118-0151 (pdf) Victim was allowed to elope from the CILA due to inadequate safety measures. Complaint 10/13/17 10/14/17 1/11/18 2/10/18 2/16/18 2/16/18 (pdf)
1217-0607 (pdf) Accused failed to ensure the victim swallowed his seizure medication. Self-Report 5/25/17 5/30/17 1/28/18 2/27/18 3/14/18 3/14/18 (pdf)
1218-0026 (pdf) Accused failed to change the victim's diaper, did not fed her breakfast, and failed to administer her medications. Self-Report 7/16/17 7/16/17 1/8/18 2/7/18 2/20/18 2/28/18 (pdf)
1218-0086 (pdf) Accused failed to pick up the victim after the victim's work shift ended, leaving the victim alone for two hours. Complaint 8/15/17 8/15/17 3/15/18 4/14/18 3/27/18 3/28/18 (pdf)
1218-0140 (pdf) Accused failed to pick up the victim from her job, leaving her alone for over an hour. Complaint 9/8/17 9/8/17 4/17/18 5/17/18 5/18/18 5/18/18 (pdf)
1218-0218 (pdf) Accused left the victim, who has a history of self-abuse, unsupervised for 30 to 45 minutes. Self-Report 10/24/17 10/24/17 6/26/18 7/26/18 8/1/18 8/2/18 (pdf)
1218-0309 (pdf) Accused fell asleep and failed to provide one to one supervision of the victim, allowing her to elope. Self-Report 12/10/17 12/10/17 6/13/18 7/13/18 7/26/18 7/27/18 (pdf)
1218-0353 (pdf) Accused left four victims with varying histories of physical aggression, elopement, etc. unsupervised for approximately ten minutes. Self-Report 12/24/17 12/24/17 8/20/18 9/19/18 8/24/18 8/27/18 (pdf)
1218-0363 (pdf) Accused failed to follow the victim's behavior plan, leading to maladaptive behaviors on the part of the victim. Self-Report 12/30/17 12/30/17 12/26/18 1/25/19 1/4/19 1/7/19 (pdf)
1218-0501 (pdf) Accused, who was assigned to work the overnight shift, left the CILA and five victims unsupervised for seven hours. Self-Report 3/8/18 3/9/18 6/30/18 7/30/18 8/3/18 8/3/18 (pdf)
1218-0606 (pdf) Accused failed to assign one to one supervision for the victim, allowing him to elope. Complaint 5/3/18 5/3/18 8/3/18 9/2/18
1219-0179 (pdf) The agency neglected the victim by failing to pick her up from her job, leaving her alone and unsupervised. Complaint 7/26/18 9/19/18 1/18/19 2/17/19
1317-0376 (pdf) Agency neglected two victims by not providing enhanced supervision in the home, after one of the victims threatened the other, then attacked him with a knife, cutting his arm and choking him. Complaint 6/7/17 6/7/17 7/24/18 8/23/18
1318-0244 (pdf) Accused abruptly quit his position and left the CILA, leaving the victim alone in the shower. Self-Report 1/27/18 1/27/18 11/14/18 12/14/18 12/5/18 12/13/18 (pdf)

* - Click Case # for executive summary of case report

** - Click Final Approval Date for final version of written response

Please note: Only substantiated cases with written response due dates after January 1, 2018 are posted and, then, only after the written response due date is reached.