October 17, 2018 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting

This meeting replaces the September 19th meeting that was moved due to Yom Kippur. 


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Time: 9:30-12:00 pm


  • 401 South Clinton
    7th Floor Executive Video Conference Rm
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In: 888-494-4032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates
    1. FY18 Spending
    2. FY19 YTD Spending
  5. Committee Reports
    1. DMC
      1. Committee Update
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
    2. JDAI
    3. JJ Councils
    4. Compliance Monitoring
    5. Youth Advisory Board
  6. Ethics Training
  7. JMIS Database
  8. Cook County Ordinance
  9. Commissioner Transition
  10. Legislative Updates
  11. Public Comment
  12. Next Meeting
    DMC Committee October 31, 2018 
    P&G/Full Commission November 21, 2018
  13. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, George Hill, Rick Velasquez, Shelley Davis, Esther Franco-Payne, Julie Biehl, Ben Roe, Dana Weiner, Jackie Bullard, Patrick Nelson.
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Sara Araiza, Olivia Wilks, Bex Leon, Berenice Villalobos, Sam Edwards.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Motion: Lisa Jacobs motioned to approve the July 18, 2018 combined Planning & Grants and Full Commission Meeting minutes. Rick seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Commission approved the July 18, 2018 combined Planning & Grants and Full Commission Meeting minutes.
  4. Fiscal Updates
    In FY18, CPRD underspent $58,000. In FY19, CPRD's spending is low, but otherwise the Commission is on track. Wendy reported that the new CPRD staff will start on November 5th. The Commission has not received expenditure reports from September from CPRD or ICOY. Wendy reported that the Commission has obligated 1 million dollars, but learned that the title II award this year was increased to 1.5 million. Wendy reported that the unspent money rolls over to this year and does not lapse. DJJ, however lapsed PREA funding.
    Wendy indicated that the new person at CPRD has been hired and will begin working, but there will likely be a steep learning curve. The new hire has extensive background in research but not in the juvenile justice system. It will be a slow process to the get the new person on board, but we will have to work to get the person up to speed on our work. The new person is expected to take over starting November 5th, 2018. Wendy encouraged Commissioners to reach out to get him up to speed about the work of the Commission and the juvenile justice system more broadly.
    Judge Timberlake indicated that CPRD is completely capable of doing the IT infrastructure, the data collection, however the learning curve will be in the day-to-day technical assistance to detention centers and circuit courts. Susan did this training and CPRD will need to consult with her to train the new person. CPRD also has worked with Peg who knows about JMIS and detention data.
  5. Committee Reports
    1. DMC
      1. Committee Update:
        Esther reported that the DMC committee has been successful on completing current tasks and mapping out the next steps. However, Esther indicated that the Commission and the DMC Committee has not been successful in terms of reducing DMC in Illinois. Esther indicated the need for more Commission support for the DMC Committee. The Commission discussed that with the upcoming elections some Commissioners may be leaving and it could be an opportunity for new members to have an active role on the board.
        The major area of focus for the DMC Committee this year has been on the school to prison pipeline and school discipline reform. The Commission discussed the consent decree with CPD and how the DMC Committee offered comments to the judge. The DMC Committee also is working on consolidating ISBE data around schools with the highest rates of disproportionality and will share those with our jj councils and the relevant providers in those districts.
        The Commission discussed posing questions to the councils to better understand what their stakeholder community looks like and what are the pathways in which youth enter the juvenile justice system.
        The Commission discussed partnering with the DCFS office working on the dually-involved youth initiative to discuss a strategic plan.
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
        Olivia requested clarification from the Commission on how the Commission wanted to collaborate with Redeploy. The Commission suggested connecting with Redeploy to provide sites with ISBE data on racial disparities on the expulsion and suspension of students and collaborating with the sites to determine the drivers of these disparities.
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
        The Commission discussed the changes OJJDP is making around DMC reduction which has made it more challenging to get support federally. There has been a delay in hearing back from Tiana Davis at CCLP.
    2. JDAI
      No updates at this time.
    3. JJ Councils
      Olivia reported on the current work being done with the Commission-funded sites. She presented a proposal outlining what was learned through a needs assessment and the following support that will be offered throughout the remainder of the year. Programming centered around the following topics: LGBTQ+ care, gender-based responses, and evidence-based programming. There will be specific training for providers on increasing family engagement, trauma training, and increase the use of restorative practices.
      Lisa reported that the Commission can effectively measure process measures of juvenile justice sites, however the Commission needs to determine and clarify benchmarks of success to articulate to the sites. The Commission discussed that they would like to see whether their funding is making an impact. The Commission discussed the importance of considering using a positive youth outcomes model and conducting a pre- and post- test for next year's applicants.
      The Commission indicated that they funded current sites because there was something compelling about their services and that they were reliable partners. The Commission also indicated that they would like to bring together organizations to be part of learning communities to advocate for what kids need to be healthy and safe and what as a community they should be measuring to know if that has been achieved.
      The Commission discussed the fact that DuPage, DeKalb and MYS initiatives all originated out of the juvenile justice councils. The Commission suggested working on a way of determining how to replicate this for other councils. Commissioners also discussed that the Commission could publish a formal report regarding the challenges and successes organizations are facing and what we have learned about obtaining positive outcomes for youth. The Commission suggested building a partnership with CCBYS.
      The Commission discussed how to handle programs that are serving mostly low-risk youth (as measured by the YASI). The Commission discussed whether as juvenile justice actors the Commission needed to be thoughtful about who they serve. The Commission agreed that each of these topics are important and worth continuing a conversation about as it relates to long term technical assistance planning.
      The Commission discussed that they would like feedback on each individual site regarding information like recidivism and positive youth outcomes. The Commission would like to know if these organizations are doing something innovative with this funding what did they learn from that, what successes did they encounter and what barriers are they facing. The Commissioners suggested that there could be value in inviting providers to answer key questions. The Commissioners indicated that what should be done in writing is how things are going, but what should be done in person is determining what organizations are learning. The Commission suggested that there could be value in hosting an all-sites meeting. The Commissioners discussed that there are broad differences between the juvenile justice councils and providers and that there is a need for the Commission to determine the different ways we support them and hold them accountable.
    4. Compliance Monitoring
      Dick Walsh reported that currently there are 236 jail removal violations, but there likely will be more once all sites send in their reports. Dick indicated that Chicago, Alton, and Aurora, have high numbers of violations. The Commission discussed that youth waiting for parents to pick them up does not constitute as a violation. Dick indicated that he is missing data from Coles county and indicated that Madison county is three months behind on their data. Dick also reported that the DJJ inspector has canceled 6 of the 17 visits and has rescheduled them mostly in November; only 5 visits have been completed so far.
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      ICOY reported that the charter and application have been completed and ICOY will be sending the application out widely. The goal is to conduct interviews in December with the first meeting taking place in January.
  6. Ethics Training
    Commissioners were reminded to complete their ethics training as it is a requirement for membership.
  7. JMIS Database
    The AOIC has indicated that they will begin to collect their own data and not rely on the Commission or the JMIS system means the Commission may no longer have access to detention data. The Commission indicated they are working on ways to resolve this and to build a stronger partnership with the AOIC.
  8. Cook County Ordinance
    The Commission discussed the Cook County ordinance to discontinue the detention of youth under 13. Providers are discussing what the best solution is for youth currently detained or do not have a housing alternative. Rick indicated that YOS has proposed a pilot program that could be an effective solution to the youth under 13. This protocol would be piloted with the hopes that if the age of detention is raised throughout the rest of Illinois, this program could be a model for the rest of the state.
    The Commission discussed the need to evaluate the systemic responses to work with the youth that are under 13 because currently there are gaps in temporary placement. The Commission discussed that emergency foster care could be an option as well as beds at the SORA center.
  9. Commissioner Transition
    Commissioners discussed the importance of looking to the future and considering other Commissioners. Many current Commissioners have been on the Commission for 8 years and it may be the appropriate time for some to step away. The Commission discussed the importance of seeking Commissioners that are committed to the work of this board. There are still pending applications for Commissioners from the last selection phase that could be considered.
    The Commission discussed the importance of decided what skillsets are necessary for new Commissioners. For the incumbent members, Judge Timberlake suggested that if they no longer wish to be on the board, they should have ideas of potential replacements. The next commission meeting has been changed to be a transition meeting to address the transition of the Commission moving forward.
  10. Legislative Updates
  11. Next Meeting
    November 21, 2018
  12. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 am.