May 16, 2018 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 16, 2018, 9:00am to 12:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    7th Floor Video Conference Rm
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In: 888-494-4032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introduction of New Board Member
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Fiscal Updates
    1. YTD FY18 Spending
  6. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2018 Schedule Review
    2. DMC
      1. Committee Update
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
    3. JDAI
    4. JJ Councils
    5. Compliance Monitoring
  7. Old Business
    1. Three year Plan
    2. IJOA Conference
    3. NOFO review and funding determination
      1. Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement
      2. Juvenile Justice Councils
      3. Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Programs
  8. New Business
    1. Introduction of Commissioner Ja'Vaune Jackson
  9. Legislative Updates
  10. Public Comment
  11. Next Meeting
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting June 20, 2018
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting July 18, 2018
  12. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The Full Commission Meeting began at 11:00 AM.
  2. Roll Call
    Committee Members: George Timberlake, Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, Rick Velasquez, Shelley Davis, George Hill, Mary Reynolds, Ja'Vaune Jackson, Esther Franco-Payne, Patrick Nelson, Dana Weiner, Jaqueline Bullard.
    Staff: Wendy Nussbaum.
    Guests: Peg Robertson, Olivia Wilks, Dick Walsh, Sergii Kriva.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The Commission approved the minutes pending the tightening of language indicated in the Planning & Grants Meeting.
  4. Fiscal Updates
    1. YTD FY18 Spending
      Wendy indicated that every site is where it should be regarding spending expect for Kane County, which is only at 37% of spending.
  5. Program Updates
    1. Committees 2018 Schedule Review
    2. DMC
      1. Committee Update
        Commissioner Franco-Payne indicated that the DMC Committee has three focuses 1) law enforcement 2) school discipline reform 3) mental health. Commissioner Franco-Payne indicated that the committee had been working on the SRO reform letter for 6 months and would like to have it completed before the next school year. Commissioner Jacobs suggested collaborating with Loyola on the letter. The DMC Committee motioned to approve the letter, the Commission approved the motion. The motion passed unanimously with no discussion.
      2. Redeploy/IJJC Collaboration
      3. DMC Training and Technical Assistance
      4. JDAI
        Commissioner Velasquez indicated there is a team revising detention standards and they are trying to finish the process to go through JCAR. The JDAI Committee also discussed compliance challenges and potential strategies.
      5. JJ Councils
    3. Compliance Monitoring
      Dick Walsh reported that Illinois is nearing its previous year's di minimus in jail removal violations highlighting that Alton has had a large number and he is coordinating with 3 people to determine what is happening.
      Commissioner Velasquez indicated the JDAI committee suggested the following ways of improving compliance monitoring:
      • Determining the severity of crimes resulting in jail removal violations
      • Include compliance information in training for juvenile officers
      • Legislative efforts to align state and federal law enforcement regulations
      • Seek a law enforcement champion to join the Commission to help with this issue
        Dick Walsh indicated that the Compliance audit was scheduled for June. The biggest challenge identified by Dick was acquiring the inspections of DJJ facilities. Dick indicated he would create a list of what was needed for the compliance audit.
  6. Old Business
    1. Three year Plan
      Wendy indicated the 3-year plan was being submitted to the state. The Commission had no comments or questions for that plan.
    2. IJOA Conference
      Wendy indicated that the speaker for the IJOA conference, Michael Johnson, was no longer able to attend and they were looking for a replacement. As a fallback, Wendy indicated they would put together a panel of speakers.
    3. NOFO review and funding determination
      1. Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement
        Commissioner Jacobs indicated that during the Planning & Grants Committee Meeting, Commissioners determined that they wanted to approve the proposal, but to send it to the Executive Committee for clarity on deliverables and new staff. They also wanted clarity on the technical assistance. The Planning and Grants Committee motioned to approve funding for CPRD pending Executive Committee review, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
      2. Juvenile Justice Councils
        The Commission discussed the 6 proposals and the Planning and Grants Committee indicated it wanted to fund 4 of the 6 councils. The two applications that the P&G Committee did not want to fund were Effingham and Wabash County. The Planning and Grants Committee motioned not to fund Effingham and Wabash County juvenile justice councils, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
        The Planning and Grants Committee motioned that Kane County and Morgan County be funded pending final budget review and approval by the Executive Committee, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
        The Planning and Grants Committee motioned that Dekalb County and St. Clair County be funded as proposed, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
      3. Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Programs
        The Planning and Grants Committee motioned that Dekalb County and DuPage County be funded as proposed, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
        The Planning and Grants Committee motioned not to fund Kane County, St. Clair County, and Lake County, the Commission passed this motion unanimously with no discussion.
  7. New Business
    Introduction of Commissioner Ja'Vaune Jackson
  8. Legislative Updates
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    P&G/Executive Committee Meeting June 20, 2018
    P&G/Full Commission Meeting July 18, 2018
  11. Adjourn
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. IJJC Chairperson Timberlake seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:51 AM.