RE: PA 100 – 0313 - Fire Inspections; Authority

IDHS-Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification (BALC)

Has worked with the Office of the State Fire Marshall (OFSM) to develop clarification for the enactment of PA 100 0313. Our objective in sharing this information with you is to work with OFSM and other stakeholders to ensure the life safety of Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) providers, customers, and visitors. Please utilize the information below to ensure that you are complying with the new policy. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while implementing this new policy.

IDHS-BALC Response

  • The CILA provider agencies that choose to use the Local Fire Authority (LFA) will be responsible for scheduling and obtaining life/safety inspections for new and existing homes.
  • The CILA provider agencies that choose to use the LFA must submit an inspection report from the LFA having jurisdiction which certifies enforcement of code requirements that are equal to the code adopted by the OSFM for each new and existing home. The code adopted by the OSFM is the 2000 edition of the NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code.
  • The CILA provider agencies must schedule and obtain an inspection report from the LFA when structural changes occur in a home. A copy of the clearance must be submitted to BALC.
  • For license renewals, the CILA provider agencies must schedule and provide an inspection report to BALC for each existing home. It is recommended to schedule the inspections within six months of the license expiration date. A copy of the clearance(s) must be submitted to BALC within one month of the license expiration date.
  • Each home must pass inspection.
  • When a CILA home fails the inspection conducted by the LFA, CILA provider agencies must resolve the violation(s) noted, schedule a re-inspection, and submit evidence of the home passing the re-inspection.
  • BALC will continue to refer CILA provider agencies to OSFM for inspections when requested by the provider.
  • All life/safety clearances and the provider agency representative contact information shall be sent to

This process is effective as of December 7, 2017