27-80-01-f: Countable Income and Spenddown Codes (Medical)

Needs are not recorded for Medical cases. For Community cases, use Item 80 to record the unit's monthly countable income. For Spenddown cases, use Item 80 to record the client's spenddown amount and status information.

ITEM 80 CODE & ABBREV. Countable Income and Spenddown Codes

157 CI

(All Kids Assist Only) 

Countable Income

(Child Over Age 5 and Born 10/01/83 or Later)

Use only when Item 78 is coded B or G.

Enter 157 CI for approvals, REDEs, and changes if the case contains a person eligible for All Kids Assist.

Under AMOUNT, enter the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Under PERSONS, enter the 2-digit number to report the number of persons included in the All Kids Assist Standard.

158 CI

(RRA Medical, FamilyCare Assist, Family Assist, and Spenddown Only)

Countable Income

Use only when Item 20 is coded: 16 or 17.

Entry of 158 CI is required for approvals, REDEs, and when making changes in Item 90 (excluding changes in Item 90 codes 554, 636, 638, 640, 641, 643, 644, 648, 654, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 663, 670, 671, 672, and 700).

For each Community Medical case, under AMOUNT enter the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Under PERSONS, enter the 2-digit number for the number of persons included in the Standard.

159 CI

(Moms and Babies Only) 

Countable Income

(Pregnant Woman or Infant [If Mother Medicaid Eligible])

Use only when Item 78 is coded P for a pregnant woman, or P, H or N for an infant.

Entry of 159 CI is required for approvals, REDEs, and changes if the case contains a person eligible for Moms and Babies.

Under AMOUNT, enter the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Under PERSONS, enter the 2-digit number to report the number of persons included in the Moms and Babies Standard.

When there is more than one person eligible, and eligibility has been determined separately, enter the countable income of the pregnant woman. If there is no pregnant woman, enter the countable income for the oldest eligible child.

160 CI

(All Kids Assist Only) 

Countable Income

(Child Age One through 5)

Use only when Item 78 is coded R or T.

Enter 160 CI for approvals, REDEs, and changes if the case contains a person eligible for All Kids Assist.

Under AMOUNT, enter the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Under PERSONS, enter the 2-digit number to report the number of persons included in the All Kids Assist Standard.

163 CI

(All Kids Assist Only) 

Countable Income

(Infant [Mother Not Medicaid Eligible])

Use only when Item 78 is coded Q or I.

Enter 163 CI for approvals, REDEs, and changes if the case contains a person eligible for All Kids Assist.

Under AMOUNT, enter the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Under PERSONS, enter the 2-digit number to report the number of persons included in the All Kids Assist Standard.

177 KCCI

revised text(All Kids/FamilyCare Share,  Premium, Rebate Only) 

Countable Income

Under AMOUNT, enter the amount of countable income. Under NO. (Number), enter the number of persons included in the All Kids/FamilyCare Standard.

348 DCC

Dependent Care Costs (Use when processing Medical via ACM)

Allow care costs for any employed person included in the Medical unit and for employed parent(s) not included in the Medical unit. Enter actual care costs up to the maximum allowed for each dependent. The deduction is used in determining countable monthly income for Medical, but is not shown on the turnaround Form 552 when used only for Medical.

NOTE: To allow care costs when computing Medical in ACM, enter Y in the dependent care expenses section of the ACM Actual Generic Screen. The Y entry brings up the Dependent Care Expense Screen (code 348). To use the care expenses for a Medical calculation, enter Y under CAT. Code 348 only appears on the turnaround Form 552 when food stamps are on the case, and dependent care costs are also used for SNAP.

390 SPD


Under AMOUNT, enter the spenddown amount in dollars and cents.

Under PERSONS, enter the following code that applies:

  • 1 - Spenddown met - split-bill
  • 2 - Spenddown not met
  • 3 - Spenddown met - carryover
  • 4 - Spenddown met - ORS/ODD community-based services

If the case is in met status, the system automatically enters the month and day from Item 77 under TOTAL COST.

396 E SPD

Spenddown Met Ending Date

Under PERSONS, enter the last date (MM/YY) spenddown is met.

466 DCOS

(Excludes RRA and Share, Premium, Rebate)

Diverted Court Ordered Support
(Use when processing Medical via ACM)

Deduct court ordered support payments from the nonexempt income of any person included in the Medical unit, and from the nonexempt income of any parent(s) not included in the Medical unit. Deduct the actual amount paid.

To deduct court ordered support when computing Medical in ACM, enter Y in the Miscellaneous Item 80 Codes section of the ACM Actual Generic screen. The Y entry brings up the Miscellaneous Codes Screen. To deduct the support payments, enter code 466 under 552 CODES, and Y under CAT. The code 466 amount is used in determining countable monthly income for Medical, but is not shown on the turnaround Form 552.

674 PAT

Person Awaiting Transplant

Enter this code when a person in a spenddown case is on a waiting list for a transplant. Entry of this code prevents the case from centrally canceling if spenddown is not met.