This sub-topic describes the TARs used with TA 31 or TA 32 that affect SNAP benefits on a Cash/SNAP or Medical/SNAP case.
TARs used to cancel SNAP benefits generate a central notice unless suppressed in Item 39.
The system uses this TAR to centrally budget child support pass through for SNAP. Form 157C is sent if SNAP benefits reduce.
The system uses this TAR to centrally budget Pay-in Spenddown payments as a fSNAP medical expense deduction.
The system uses these TARs to centrally delete Pay-in Spenddown payments from Item 80 Code 352 TME. Form 157c is sent if SNAP benefits reduce. The system uses TAR 00 if there is no change in the SNAP benefit amount.
Pay-in Spenddown payment deleted from Code 352 TME
(Central TA 32)
The amount of medical expenses allowed as a SNAP deduction has decreased.
PM 13-01
Pay-in Spenddown payment deleted from Code 352
The following TAR is used with TA 32 to centrally reduce or cancel SNAP.
Due to increased earnings, your SNAP ncome is over the gross and/or net income standards for your unit size. PM 13-01 (SNAP)
Debido al aumento en ingresos, sus ingresos para estampillas de comida sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos permitidos para el tamaño de su unidad.
Due to increased unearned income, your SNAP income is over the gross and/or net income standards for your unit size. PM 13-01 (SNAP)
Debido a un aumento de ingresos que no son de trabajo, sus ingresos para estampillas de comida sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos para el tamaño de su unidad.
Your SNAP unit's nonexempt assets exceed the maximum allowed for your case. PM 07-04 (SNAP)
Los bienes no extentos de su unidad de estampillas de comida exceden a la cantidad máxima permitida para su caso.
Due to a decrease in the needs of your unit, your income is over the gross and/or net income standards for your case. PM 13-01 (SNAP)
Debido a que las necesidades de su unidad han disminuido, sus ingresos sobrepasan a los estándares de ingresos brutos y/o netos para su caso.
You have been included in another food stamp case. PM 04-05 (SNAP)
Usted ha sido incluido en otro caso de estampillas de comida.
Your SNAP benefits have been canceled at your request. PM 01-03 (SNAP)
Sus sellos de comida han sido cancelados por usted haberlo pedido.
You failed to cooperate in determining ongoing eligibility. PM 18-04 (SNAP
Su hogar no ha cooperado en la determinación para elegibilidad continua.
Your unit's income is over the gross and/or net income standards for your unit size. PM 13-01 (SNAP)
Los ingresos de su unidad sobrepasan a los ingresos brutos y/o netos estándares para el tamaño de su unidad.
Your income is too high to receive food stamps. Reapply if the number of people eating with you changes or your income or expenses change. PM 13-01
Sus ingresos son muy altos para recibir estampillas de comida. Solicite nuevamente si el número de personas que comen con usted cambia o si sus ingresos o gastos cambian. PM 13-01
You failed to return you Mid-Point Report by (date centrally entered) PM 19-07-00. Form 157, Notice of Change centrally sent.
Usted no devolvio el formulario del Informe Mitad del Periodo para el (date centrally entered). PM 19-07-00
Enter one of the following TARs when changing a person's SNAP status due to an SNAP Work Sanction or an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) disqualification and the rest of the SNAP unit remains eligible.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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