Approve and Cancel (TA 10)
Use of the following TARs generates a central notice.
Earnings from person in case & case has been active 3 of last 6 months
(TANF Only)
Due to the amount of your employment earnings, you are no longer eligible for cash benefits.
You and your family are eligible for medical benefits through _____________. After this date, you may be eligible to receive medical benefits for up to 6 more months. When you receive a report form in the mail, you must complete and return the form in order to continue to receive medical benefits. PM 10-01
Debido a la cantidad de sus ingresos de trabajo, usted ya no es eligible para beneficios econóómicos.
Usted y su familia son elegibles para beneficios méédicos hasta ______________. Despuéés de esta fecha, usted puede ser elegible para beneficios medicos por 6 meses máás. Cuando reciba un formulario de reporte por correo, tiene que completarlo y devolverlo para poder continuar recibiendo beneficios medicos.
Receipt of spousal support and eligible for medical extension
Due to the amount of your spousal payments, you are no longer eligible for cash benefits.
The adults in your family qualify for medical benefits through __. Children in your family under age 19 may qualify through ____. PM 08-01
Debido a la cantidad que usted recibe en pagos de mantenimiento por parte su esposo, usted ya no es eligible para beneficios económicos.
Los adultos en su familia son elegibles para beneficios médicos prolongados hasta ________. Los niños menores de 19 años pueden ser elegibles hasta _______. PM 08-01
Due to the amount of your spousal support payments, you are no longer eligible for SNAP benefits. PM 08-04
Debido a cantidad que usted recibe en pagos de mantenimiento por parte su esposo, usted ya no es eligible para beneficios del SNAP.
Approve Medical and Reregister Cash Application
Use to authorize medical assistance on a pending Cash case. The system approves medical assistance from the first day authorized by the worker (up to 3 months prior to the application date), through 60 days following the date of application.
The system reregisters the cash application with the original application date.
Employed client requests cancellation - Case was active for 3 of the last 6 months
You have requested cancellation due to employment.
You and your family are eligible for medical benefits through _____________. After this date, you may be eligible to receive medical benefits for up to 6 more months. When you receive a report form in the mail, you must complete and return the form in order to continue to receive medical benefits. PM 01-01
Usted pidióó cancelacióón debido a empleo.
Maximum eligibility period expired
(RRA Cash Only)
You are no longer eligible under the Refugee Assistance Program due to the end of the legal time limit. PM 06-01
Usted ya no es elegible bajo el Programa de Asistencia para Refugiados debido a la terminacióón del líímite legal de tiempo.
No eligible child in case
There is no eligible child in your home. PM 04-01
No hay niñños elegibles en su hogar.
The only eligible person in your case was admitted to a public institution. PM 03-05
El único persona elegible en su caso fue admitido a una institucióónpúública.
You are no longer a resident of Illinois. PM 03-02
Usted ya no vive en Illinois
Your case has been canceled at your request. PM 01-01
Su caso ha sido terminado porque usted FCRC pidió
Use of the following TARs generates a central notice. (For MPE actions see WAG 27-33-01-a).
It has been reported that ________ is deceased. PM 22-06 PM 01-03
Se ha reportado que _________ fallecio
Caretaker relative in adult-only case is ineligible
(FHP Only)
There is no longer an eligible caretaker relative in this case. PM 03-05
No existe un pariente encargado elegible en este caso.
Approve and Reregister Medical Application
Use to authorize medical benefits for a backdated period when the persons under 19 are eligible for All Kids Share, All Kids Premium, or All Kids Rebate.
The system reregisters the medical application with the original application date
Only child in case is ineligible
There is no eligible child in your home. PM 03-05
The only eligible person in your case was admitted to a public institution. PM 04-01
El úúnico persona elegible en su caso fue admitido a una institucióón púública.
Usted ya no vive en Illinois.
Medical coverage - postpartum, or deceased or adopted child
Su caso ha sido terminado porque usted FCRC pidióó.
Income exceeds 138% of the FPL
(ACA Adult only)
You do not qualify for medical benefits because your income is over the limit.
(No SNAP notice is sent)
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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